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Election Security Playbook Release

Headline image for Election Security Playbook Release

Earlier this week we released our 2018 Election Security Playbook, which details the steps we have taken to limit risks and increase overall election protections. Our playbook is available online in our Election Library.

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
Current Election NewsClick

Heads Up OC Voters - 3-Page Ballot Likely for June 2018

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600,0000 Voter Information Guides Mailed
600,0000 Voter Information Guides Mailed

Yesterday we began the mailing process of Voter Information Guides (previously known as sample ballots) to Orange County voters. We will continue mailing throughout the weekend as we work to deliver 1.5 million.

Ballot Printing Underway
Ballot Printing Underway

We can print approximately 60,000 ballots in a 24-hour period (that represents 180,000 individual pieces of paper). The ballot printing process is tightly controlled, certified by the State and undergoes rigorous quality control checks.

Vote-by-Mail Delivery Begins May 7th
Vote-by-Mail Delivery Begins May 7th

As of this morning we have prepared 248,627 vote-by-mail packets. Preparation includes insertion of a ballot, instructions, return envelope and application of detailed tracking information.

Expanded Call Center Opens Today
Expanded Call Center Opens Today

In anticipation of thousands of calls from voters, we have ramped up a robust call center where agents will be ready to answer voters’ calls. Common questions include “am I registered”, or “how do I order a ballot”.

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