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Historic Ballot Returns

Headline image for Historic Ballot Returns

As of today we have received 311,676 ballots returned from voters. At the same time period in 2016 we had received 241,963 - this represents a 28% increase over 2016. The increase over 2016 has shrunk in recent days, which was as high as 490% above 2016 returns earlier last week.

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
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From presentations to virtual drop-in hours to a live radio show, we organized and participated in extensive outreach activities to support different language communities of Orange County this week.  #ocvote2020 #ocvotecenters2020 #protect2020

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Preparing Shipping Containers for Vote Centers
Preparing Shipping Containers for Vote Centers

We are in the process of loading hundreds of shipping containers with Vote Center supplies. These containers will be delivered to our 170 Vote Centers throughout Orange County for set-up and installation in the coming weeks. 

Pop-Up Mobile Voting Begins on Saturday
Pop-Up Mobile Voting Begins on Saturday

Our popular mobile "pop-up" voting begins on Saturday, October 24th with an appearance at Laguna Niguel Regional Park. This unique mobile voting unit offers all of the voting services of a Vote Center. We will be at six locations throughout Orange County through November 2nd - for a list of locations visit ocvote.com/pop-up.

Critical Connectivity Testing Underway
Critical Connectivity Testing Underway

Our technical teams have been testing our connectivity for all of our Vote Centers throughout Orange County. This critical process is important to ensure reliable data transfer for voter check-in services. We have developed a highly secure system with built-in redundancies.

Final Preparation of Electronic Voter Check-In Systems
Final Preparation of Electronic Voter Check-In Systems

Our electronic voter check-in systems are undergoing final data uploads, testing, proofing and technical checks in advance of our in-person voting operations. Most Vote Centers will have four check-in stations with some supporting up to eight.

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