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Voter Education Videos Now Available

Headline image for Voter Education Videos Now Available

To answer key questions you may have about this election, the Registrar of Voters created short educational videos that are available on our YouTube channel @ocrov.

We have produced videos about:

  • How to complete your ballot
  • How to vote
  • Crossover party voting
  • How ballots are securely printed and distributed
  • How ballots are securely collected and processed

To view the videos for this election, click on the 2024 Presidential Primary Election playlist on our channel. There is a separate playlist for translated versions of the videos. We also encourage you to share the videos with your family, friends, and community network.

Bob Page
Registrar of Voters
Current Tweet

February 20 is the deadline to register to vote for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election.

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Open House Thank You
Open House Thank You

Thank you to about 70 community members who attended our Open House on February 7 to learn about our secure election processes, including:

  • Ballot collection
  • Vote-By-Mail ballot signature comparison
  • Ballot sorting and extraction
  • Scanning of ballots
  • Testing and Audits

We filmed the presentations made at the Open House and will post them on our website soon. If you would like to observe our processing of ballots in the 2024 Presidential Primary Election, visit our Public Observation calendar at ocvote.gov/observe to see what we are doing each day.

Trusted Election Information, Part 1
Trusted Election Information, Part 1

If you have questions about what’s on your ballot, Orange County’s Voter Information Guide is a good place to start.

It features:

  • Information about the four ways to vote between now and 8 p.m. on March 5.
  • Vote Center locations
  • Candidate statements
  • Practice ballots and much more.

For additional information, visit ocvote.gov/VIG.

Need a Replacement Ballot?
Need a Replacement Ballot?

Due to the heavy rains during the week of February 5 when we mailed ballots, we know some voters may have received a wet ballot and now need a replacement.

You may request a replacement ballot online at ocvote.gov/replacement. The deadline to have a replacement vote-by-mail ballot mailed to you is seven days before the election (February 27). You will be asked to confirm your identity before you can apply for a replacement.

If you require a replacement ballot after this date, you can obtain one in-person at any of our 183 Vote Centers throughout the county or by visiting the Registrar of Voters at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705.

Trusted Election Information, Part 2
Trusted Election Information, Part 2

If you cannot find an answer to a question in the County Voter Information Guide, we offer several more sources of trusted election information.

Our website at ocvote.gov has a lot of election and voter registration information, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions at ocvote.gov/faqs.

You can also contact us directly by:

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