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Return Your Ballot Today!

Headline image for Return Your Ballot Today!

With less than a week to cast your ballot in the 2024 Presidential Primary Election, remember there are four ways to vote by Tuesday, March 5:

  1. Mark and place your Vote-By-Mail ballot in the mail
  2. Return it at one of our 122 secure Ballot Drop Boxes
  3. Deliver it to us at one of our 183 Vote Centers
  4. Vote in person at a Vote Center

If mailing your ballot, remember the Registrar of Voters has paid for the postage, so no stamps are required. Also, your ballot envelope must be postmarked by March 5 and the ballot envelope signed by you.

If you are dropping off your Vote-By-Mail ballot or want to vote in person, your deadline is 8 p.m. on March 5. We’re opening 146 more Vote Centers on Saturday, March 2. We’ll have a total of 183 Vote Centers open the last four days of voting.  Find a convenient voting location at ocvote.gov/voting

To find out more about each of these voting options, please watch our “Ways to Vote” educational video on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@ocrov

To track your ballot through the process from receipt to counting, sign up for email and text notifications at ocvote.gov/track.

Bob Page
Registrar of Voters
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You don’t have to wait until Election Day to vote in the 2024 Presidential Primary Election. Thirty-seven Vote Centers are already open and an additional 146 Vote Centers will be opening this Saturday, March 2!

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Election Security Media Tour
Election Security Media Tour

On Monday, we hosted the media, California Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., Orange County Supervisor, 5th District Katrina Foley, and Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer on a tour of our office. We showed them how voted ballots are processed securely by our staff from the moment they are cast until the election results are certified.

The tour included:

  • Vote Center operations
  • Ballot drop box collections
  • Ballot receiving
  • Ballot sorting and extraction
  • Ballot signature comparison
  • Ballot Duplication 
  • Scanning of ballots
  • Ballot tabulation and tally room

Of election security in Orange County, our guests said:

Secretary Weber said "There will always be those who don't believe. We know that. There will always be naysayers. But we have yet to find a better system that says every person gets one vote and that vote counts."

About a suggestion from a segment of voters that Orange County return to precinct voting on a single day using printed paper voter rosters, Supervisor Foley said “We don’t want to go back to those days. People voting in someone’s garage may be nostalgic, but it’s not as secure.”

District Attorney Spitzer said he believes “fundamentally in our system” and that in Orange County, “I do believe it’s working very, very well.” He added: “I can’t speak for other counties, but I can say that in Orange County we do not have rampant voter fraud.”

To see the media coverage of our event, please visit the “In the News” page of our website at ocvote.gov/media/in-the-news and video on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@ocrov.

Securely Tracking Voter Participation
Securely Tracking Voter Participation

The Orange County Registrar of Voters tracks voter participation data in near real time – it allows us to know when a voter has already checked in at a Vote Center or cast a Vote-By-Mail ballot. This prevents a voter from successfully double voting and ensures a safe and secure election.

We use electronic voter rosters on pollbooks that contain every voter in the county. When a voter checks in at a Vote Center, that information is encrypted and securely transmitted to the county and State voter registration systems. This updated voter participation information is then securely transmitted to all pollbooks in use throughout the county.

This means that a voter who tries to vote a second ballot at a neighboring Vote Center will be detected before they get into their car to leave the first Vote Center.

When we start to process a Vote-By-Mail ballot, we also immediately give the voter election participation credit in the county and State voter registration systems, which is then securely transmitted to all pollbooks.

If the voter has already checked in and voted at a Vote Center when we start processing the voter’s Vote-By-Mail ballot, the mail ballot will be challenged and set aside so it is not counted.

If a voter tries to check in at a Vote Center after we have started processing the voter’s Vote-By-Mail ballot, the electronic voter roster on all pollbooks will show the voter already cast a ballot. If the voter states they have not voted, we will allow them to vote a provisional ballot that is sealed in an envelope while we research whether they have cast two ballots. We can also see in the State’s voter registration system whether the voter has cast a ballot in another California county.

Trusted Election Information
Trusted Election Information

You can find information about the 2024 Presidential Primary Election in the County Voter Information Guide at ocvote.gov/VIG. We offer several more sources of trusted election information to answer your questions.

Our website at ocvote.gov has a lot of election and voter registration information, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions at ocvote.gov/faqs.

You can also contact us directly by:

  • Calling our Voter Assistance Hotline at 714-567-7600 or 888-OCVOTES
  • Emailing us at [email protected]
  • Using our online Chat application at gov/about
Results Posting Schedule
Results Posting Schedule

The first election results report for the 2024 Presidential Primary Election will be posted about 8:05 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5 after Vote Centers close. This will include votes from Vote-By-Mail ballots received before Election Day, processed, accepted for counting, and scanned.

As votes from Vote Centers are securely transported by two-person teams with a Sheriff’s Department escort to our office in Santa Ana, updated results reports will be posted at 9:30 p.m. and every half-hour thereafter until all in-person ballots are included in the results.

To monitor election results, please visit ocvote.gov/results.

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