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Unofficial Election Results

Headline image for Unofficial Election Results

The most recent unofficial results of the 2024 Presidential Primary Election can be found on the Registrar of Voters’ website at ocvote.gov/results.

The Unofficial Election Results report is updated at 5 p.m. each weekday until the election is certified by the Registrar of Voters. After updated results are posted, a What’s Left to Process report is updated as well at ocvote.gov/results/whats-left-to-count.

As of 5 p.m., Monday, March 11, more than 613,000 ballots have been counted and about 80,000 Vote-By-Mail and Provisional ballots are left to process countywide. We do not estimate how many ballots remain for a specific contest.

Note: Our Unofficial Election Results only includes ballots cast in Orange County. The overall results of statewide contests or for districts that cross county lines can be viewed on the Secretary of State's website at electionresults.sos.ca.gov.

Bob Page
Registrar of Voters
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The Unofficial Election Results report is updated at 5 p.m. each weekday until the election is certified by the Registrar of Voters. 

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Ensuring Election Accuracy and Integrity
Ensuring Election Accuracy and Integrity

During the Official Election Canvass, the Orange County Registrar of Voters finishes processing all Vote-By-Mail and Provisional ballots. We also conduct several tests and audits and account for the equipment and materials used in the election. The canvass must be completed no later than Tuesday, April 2.

In addition to the audits mentioned in an article below, our canvass tasks include:

  • Inspect all materials and supplies returned from 183 Vote Centers.
  • Confirm that all of the vDrives (also known as USB or thumb drives) from the ballot scanners assigned to our Vote Centers have been read and the votes on them added to the results.
  • Process test ballots through all ballot scanners to ensure they still accurately count votes on the ballots.
  • Verify that the State-certified voting system software has not been modified during the election.
  • Balance the number of voter signatures on the electronic voter roster with the number of ballots recorded to the Vote Center.
  • Count any valid write-in votes.
  • Duplicate any damaged and improperly marked ballots.
  • Inspect every opened ballot return envelope to ensure all ballots were removed and processed for counting.

For the latest information about daily canvass activities, view the Public Observation Calendar at ocvote.gov/observe.

Once the Canvass is completed, we will provide a certified Statement of Votes for the election to the Secretary of State and to the governing bodies of each of the local agencies with jurisdiction over offices and measures on the ballot.

Signature Issue Cure Process
Signature Issue Cure Process

To ensure the integrity of this election, trained Registrar of Voters staff compare the voter signature on the return envelope of every Vote-By-Mail ballot cast to the voter’s signatures contained in the voter registration file.

If you forgot to sign your ballot return envelope or if three Registrar of Voters’ staff members find the signature on your ballot envelope significantly differs from all signatures in your voter registration file, we will send you a notice by first-class mail giving you the opportunity to cure the signature issue.

If you provided a phone number or email address with your voter registration, you will also receive a call or email notice. If you signed up for the OC Ballot Express ballot tracking service, you will receive a cure notification from the service as well.

A signature issue with a Vote-By-Mail ballot can be cured up until 5 p.m. two days before we certify the results of this election. Given that the exact date of the certification of the election results is not known today, we recommend voters submit their statements by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, to meet the deadline.

To cure the issue, you can sign the signature verification statement mailed to you and return it by mail, email, or fax. You can also drop it off in person to the Registrar of Voters, 1300 S. Grand Ave., Bldg. C, Santa Ana, CA 92705.

You can also download the signature verification statement from the Registrar of Voters website at ocvote.gov/votebymail, print it, sign it, and submit it.

And, new for this election, you can submit your signature verification statement using your mobile device. A link to the secure mobile cure application is also posted on the page linked above.

Post-Election Audits
Post-Election Audits

To ensure the accuracy of the 2024 Presidential Primary Election results in the county, the Registrar of Voters is conducting two audits during the Official Election Canvass.

Last week, we randomly selected precincts to include in the One Percent Manual Tally audit and generated the random seed that will help select the ballots for the Risk Limiting Audit. This week, we are pulling and compiling the paper ballots to prepare for the manual examination and tally of the ballots. We expect to start the manual examination and tally by Friday, March 15.

One Percent Manual Tally

We randomly selected at least 1 percent of all precincts in the county. All ballots within the randomly selected precincts will be manually tallied by four-person teams and compared to results.

Risk-Limiting Audit

Using 10-sided dice, we generated a 20-digit random seed number. State-approved audit software will use the seed number to randomly select ballots for manual examination by four-person teams to reach a confidence level that the outcome of a specific contest is correct.

You can observe both audits by visiting our office at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Bldg. C, Santa Ana, or by viewing livestreamed video at ocvote.gov/observe. We have also posted recorded video of last week’s random draws.

For more information on the audits, please visit ocvote.gov/audit.

Certified Quality Management System
Certified Quality Management System

The Orange County Registrar of Voters is committed to quality management of our operations and to continuous improvement.

Our Quality Management System (QMS) is a collection of rules, policies, processes, and procedures to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the County’s voter registration database and each election we administer.

For example, in the 2024 Presidential Primary Election, we quality checked every 100th ballot being prepared for mailing to ensure the voter would receive the correct precinct and party ballot. And, before we add the votes from a batch of Vote-By-Mail ballots to the Election Results, we compare the number of physical paper ballots in the batch to the number of ballots read by the scanner to confirm they match.

Our QMS received an ISO 9001:2015 certification in February 2022. This certification recognizes that we adhere to the international standard for creating, implementing, and maintaining a QMS, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). We received recertification in 2023 and are currently awaiting 2024 recertification following a recent audit by ISO.

We are hopeful that our ISO 9001 certification will enhance voter trust and confidence in Orange County’s elections by confirming that we meet international standards for organizational efficiency, customer service, and regulatory compliance.

We recognize that, to maintain that trust, we must demonstrate our commitment to quality by consistently reviewing our processes, seeking community input, and making improvements so that each election we conduct is accurate, secure, accessible, and transparent.

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