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1,200 Vote Center Employees Needed

Headline image for 1,200 Vote Center Employees Needed

Coming off of the heels of our recent Vote Center Job Fair for former poll workers, we are actively recruiting for vote center employees (we currently have 300 applications but need over 1,000 more). Our recruiting teams will be fanning out across Orange County in the coming weeks but you can apply online today!

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
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One of the great things about being out in the community is meeting voters in person and being able to chat and answer any questions they have. We have a table at  @OCAPICA97 ‘s Woodbridge Manor Irvine event doing just that! #ocvote2020 #ocv

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Vote Center Badge Designed for Employees
Vote Center Badge Designed for Employees

As seen in this photo, every Vote Center employee will be issued a lanyard with a Vote Center badge - this badge will be customized to each employee, identifying them by their first name, what language they speak, and a barcode to allow for easy check-in each morning. On the back of the badge will be a graphic that can be shown to voters explaining the features of a Vote Center.

Equipment Testing to Continue Week of Thanksgiving
Equipment Testing to Continue Week of Thanksgiving

We continue to take delivery of thousands of new pieces of voting equipment, which is undergoing thorough testing in advance of deployment. Each piece of equipment undergoes a series of tests that are monitored for federal and state compliance and tested for functionality as well.

Mock Election Set for New Voting System
Mock Election Set for New Voting System

We are conducting hundreds of voting system and Vote Center educational talks. We have scheduled a mock election to showcase our new voting system. Members of the public will be able to interact with all of the system components and provide feedback - the mock election will take place in two locations in Orange County on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 (locations to be announced soon).

Community Engagement Events Continue
Community Engagement Events Continue

We are spread throughout Orange County nearly every day, interacting with the public about voting, Vote Centers and our new voting system. These events takes place at a variety of locations, which can be found on our online calendar. Interested in having us speak at, or attend an event in your community? Let us know today by using our online form!

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