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Over 1 million Voter Pamphlets in the Mail

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This morning we mailed an additional 300,000 voter pamphlets - bringing the two day total to over 1 million. Voters should start receiving their booklets in the next few days. Vote-by-mail ballots will begin arriving during the week of October 11th.

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
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800,000 voter pamphlets on their way to Orange County voters

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An Evening at South Coast Repertory Theater
An Evening at South Coast Repertory Theater
We were meeting new voters in the lobby last night at the theatrical performance of the Tony Award winning "All the Way 1963", which chronicles Lyndon B. Johnson during a tumultuous time in history. We met new voters at this event - one of nearly 100 in 2016.
Wahoo's Fish Taco Joins Corporate Sponsorship Program
Wahoo's Fish Taco Joins Corporate Sponsorship Program
Our unique corporate sponsorship program brings together some of the biggest names in Orange County business. We are pleased to welcome Wahoo's Fish Taco - Wahoo's will be providing professional staff to work several of our nearly 1,200 polling place sites in November.


Student Poll Workers Pouring In
Student Poll Workers Pouring In
Every election we think we can't beat the record of student poll workers, which has grown in the thousands over the last few years. As of today we have 1,200 student poll workers recruited for November 8th. The number of applications continues to rise - if you know a high school student that might be interested have them visit ocvote.com/volunteer.


Yes Virginia, There is a Way to Find Your Polling Place
Yes Virginia, There is a Way to Find Your Polling Place
We have eliminated printed maps in our polling places. As a result, we've developed a simple mobile application for our poll workers to look up information on voters to direct them to the right polling location. Poll workers will be able to provide a "help" card to voters directing them to this web application as well.
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