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Ballot Processing Continues During Weekend and Holiday

We have been making good progress on processing nearly 200,000 vote-by-mail ballots dropped off at polling places Tuesday. We currently have 70,000 left to signature check, which will continue Saturday and the Veteran's Day holiday.

Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
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Ballot Boards Play an Important Role
Ballot Boards Play an Important Role

Our "ballot boards" are working today as we continue to process ballots. These personnel pull the ballot from the envelope once it has been determined to be an eligible ballot and has gone through the opening phase. They will process about 40,000 ballots per day.

Preparing for Provisional Ballot Processing
Preparing for Provisional Ballot Processing

We are close to completing the sorting phase of provisional ballots. These ballots, nearly 160,000 cast, are being sorted by city (and then by specific districts) so that close contests are prioritized. We will begin processing provisional ballots late next week.

Ballot Scanning Throughput Increasing Daily
Ballot Scanning Throughput Increasing Daily

As we come to a critical mass on processing ballots we are able to scan at maximum efficiency. We have hit peak performance, which will allow us to scan and post 40,000 - 45,000 vote-by-mail ballots per day. Provisional ballot processing is much slower to due voter record review.

Election Observation Continues
Election Observation Continues

Hundreds of observers have been moving through our offices since Election Day as several contests remain close during post-election counting. They have been observing the ballot signature review process. We have a detailed handbook on the observation process online.

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