Final Election Administration Plan
Executive Summary
Following the Orange County Board of Supervisors’ approval to transition to a vote center model, the Orange County Registrar of Voters (OCROV) created twelve internal working groups to develop procedures and policies for operating and conducting elections under the vote center model.
· Language Support · Compliance · Accessibility · Site Selection · Billing · Ballot Drop Box |
· Recruitment · Training · Equipment · Logistics · Public Meetings · Communications |
In addition to the research and work from the twelve internal working groups, we
acknowledge and incorporate the feedback provided by thousands of voters and community
advisory committees such as the OCROV’s advisory Community Elections Working Group
(CEW), CEW subcommittee Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC), and the CEW
subcommittee Voter Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC). We are also grateful for the
support and guidance provided by the Secretary of State and the five counties who
transitioned to the vote center model in 2018.
The Election Administration Plan (EAP) provides the foundation and guiding outline for the future of voting and elections in Orange County. Additionally, OCROV launched a website dedicated to informing the public about the upcoming changes and providing planning updates; the website can be accessed at
Following the finalization of the EAP, OCROV will implement a comprehensive Voter Education and Outreach Plan (VEOP) ranging from expanding our social media presence, partnerships with high schools and institutions of higher education, and collaborations with elected officials and government agencies. The plan is a framework for OCROV to meet its goal of informing Orange County’s 1.6 million voters of the upcoming changes and transition to the vote center model.
The first election under this new model will be the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election, and we look forward to providing Orange County voters with more convenient and secure voting options and an improved voter experience through the vote center model. All registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot and may opt to vote in-person at any vote center in Orange County.
At the time of preparing the EAP, approximately 188 vote centers and 110 ballot drop boxes are expected based on current voter counts and California Election Code requirements. Voters may also return their vote-by-mail ballot by mail without needing to affix additional postage, at a ballot drop box location, or at any vote center.
As Orange County transitions to the vote center model, my staff and I remain committed to our mission to provide election services for the citizens of Orange County to ensure equal access to the election process, protect the integrity of votes, and maintain a transparent, accurate and fair process.
Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
Orange County, CA

Vote-By-Mail Ballots
- 4005(a)(8)(A)
The implementation of the Voter’s Choice Act (VCA) in Orange County requires that every one of its 1.6 million registered voters receive a vote-by-mail (VBM) ballot. Orange County is prepared to handle the increase in volume of the printing, mailing, and processing of VBM ballots that will result from this new obligation. The new requirement supports the current voter behavior and projected trends, which the Orange County Registrar of Voters (OCROV) has already taken into consideration; moving to a hybrid vote-by-mail and in-person election is a matter of ramping up existing operations.
In the November 2018 election, OCROV issued over 1.1 million VBM ballots to voters who specifically requested to receive their ballots by mail. The number of voters who request to receive ballots by mail has been steadily increasing since 2002, to the most recent level of 1.1 million ballots, or approximately 69% of the total registered voters. The rise of VBM requests has required us to increase capacity to mail and process ballots. This increased capacity, which has already been implemented, will allow processing VBM ballots for all voters in Orange County in 2020.
Ballot Printing
Unlike most California counties, Orange County prints in-house printed ballots for all voters. Ballots are currently printed on a high-speed, inkjet, web-press printer. The commercial state-of-the-art printer produces high quality images at a speed of 250 feet per minute, which allows for the accelerated printing of 1.6 million ballots in a relatively short amount of time.
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Preparation
OCROV currently operates its own mail inserting equipment, which inserts the correct ballot, instructions and return envelope into the VBM packet to be sent to voters. It also simultaneously prints the address and required voter information on both the outgoing and return envelopes for the voter. This technology can insert approximately 10,000 ballots per hour, allowing our office to prepare all 1.6 million ballots in an estimated time of two weeks.
Processing Returned Vote-by-Mail Ballots
OCROV currently operates its own high-speed mail sorting equipment that is used to process returned ballots. This equipment takes an image of every returned envelope, and tracks that the ballot has been returned. The images of the returned envelopes are used by staff to perform a signature comparison of the ballots and determine if the signature matches. This technology can process up to 45,000 pieces per hour, and the staff that check signatures can review approximately 10,000 signatures per hour. The speed of the mail sorting equipment, and its integration with the signature checking process, will allow OCROV to seamlessly handle the increased volume of returned VBM ballots.
Counting Returned Vote-by-Mail Ballots
The office is currently replacing its voting system and has planned to double the capacity for processing returned VBM ballots. The projected increase in returned VBM ballots has been factored into the purchase of necessary ballot scanning and counting equipment to process the returned VBM ballots in a timely manner.
Tracking Vote-by-Mail Ballots
An increase in the number of VBM ballots being sent is projected to increase the number of VBM ballots being returned. This will require an increase in service levels to be provided to voters. Anticipating that more voters will request the status of their VBM ballots, the office has added the ability for voters to track the status of their ballots online through a customized internal solution, OC Ballot Express. VBM ballots are tracked using a United States Postal Service barcode as they are mailed and returned to the office. Voters can go to the website and check the status of their ballots as it is sent and returned to our office. They can also see if their ballots have been verified and counted. This recently added ballot tracking capability will provide data to best respond to the increased level of service required by the additional VBM processing.
Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box Locations
- 4005(a)(10)(B)
The VCA establishes detailed criteria and formulas for the placement and locations of vote centers and ballot drop boxes. Vote centers and ballot drop box locations will be decided based on specific considerations and requirements described below:
- Proximity to public transportation
- Proximity to communities with historically low vote-by-mail usage
- Proximity to population centers
- Proximity to language minority communities
- Proximity to voters with disabilities
- Proximity to communities with low rates of household vehicle ownership
- Proximity to low-income communities
- Proximity to geographically isolated populations
- Access to accessible and free parking
- The distance and time a voter must travel by car or public transportation
- Traffic patterns
Vote Center Formula and Considerations
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(l)
The VCA has established a formula for determining the number of vote centers based on the number of registered voters. Counties are instructed to provide one 11-day vote center for every 50,000 registered voters and one 4-day vote center for every 10,000 registered voters. Based on the algorithm outlined in the VCA, the required minimum is 32 vote centers open for 11 days, including Election Day, and 161 vote centers that will be open for 4 days, including Election Day, in Orange County.
OCROV plans to provide more vote centers than the minimum requirements. Orange County will operate 38 vote centers open for 11 days, including Election Day, and 188 vote centers that will be open for 4 days, including Election Day, in Orange County. Expanding the number of vote centers will enable the placement of additional vote centers in isolated communities like Silverado and Trabuco Canyon.
Vote centers will open sequentially, with greater numbers of vote centers in operation as Election Day draws nearer. All vote centers will be in full operation during the last four days of voting, including Election Day. For eleven days, including Election Day, there will be 38 locations open throughout the County. The number of vote centers will increase for the last four day of voting with a total of 188 locations open throughout Orange County with expanded hours.
Vote Center Minimum Requirements
Vote centers will be decided based on requirements as set forth in statute, the accessibility to voters with disabilities and language needs, location availability, and public feedback. OCROV will use voter and population data to select the best locations for vote centers.
OCROV will be identifying and assessing hundreds of potential facilities to ensure that locations are distributed throughout Orange County in a manner that provides greater access and convenience for all voters.
Vote Center Site Selection Suitability Model
VCA requires counties to consider fourteen criteria when establishing vote centers. OCROV staff created a Vote Center Suitability Model, which brings together the most current available geospatial and demographic data, to consider all required criteria. The Vote Center Suitability Model uses an interactive mapping tool that allows the user to search for and evaluate any proposed location against all required criteria (see Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box Mapping Tool on page 14).
While the Vote Center Suitability Model provides a quick and effective way to assess proposed locations against the required criteria, it does not automatically define where vote center locations will be finalized.
Vote Center Assessment Matrix
In addition to considering required criteria, a Vote Center Assessment Matrix is used to consider many of the other site selection elements that, while not required by law, impact the vote center siting process. Some examples of these site selection elements include parking availability, size of the voting room, the presence of adequate lighting, both inside and outside, and the geographic area of the proposed site.
Vote Center Facility Recruitment Process
Past polling places from previous elections were reviewed and assessed if they would meet minimum requirements for a vote center. Locations that would not be able to accommodate vote center operations, such as private residences and locations under 800 square feet, were contacted to inform them of the transition to a new voting model and thank them for their past service. The remaining facilities were moved forward to next level of review in the recruitment process.
Facility Research
Based on the previous facility recruitment process, a list of 200 polling places was compiled to be further reviewed and contacted to serve as possible vote centers.
Non-public facilities were contacted for further discussion on availability and potential costs. Public facilities were contacted to schedule appointments to view potential vote center locations.
Concurrent with past polling place research, each city was evaluated, and every public facility and property was added to a master list for further research. Additionally, based off of population data, each city has been evaluated for a targeted number of vote centers, and new city facilities that have not served as polling places are being contacted for vote center site evaluations.
List of Potential Vote Centers with Days and Hours of Operation
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(III), §4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(VI)
OCROV is currently in the process of identifying potential vote centers and conducting site assessments and accessibility surveys. Vote center locations will be selected in conjunction with public feedback and the requirements as necessitated by law. The final list of selected vote centers will be included in the Voter Information Guide (VIG) and will be available on the OCROV’s website,
Starting ten days before Election Day, select vote centers will be open during regular business hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. All vote centers will be open 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. during the last few days of voting, and 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. See page 81 in Appendices for the 11 Day and 4 Day Locations Table at the time of publishing. OCROV will publish a list of vote centers at
Map of Potential Vote Centers

Vote Center Layout
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(XI)
The voting experience at a vote center is similar to voting at a traditional polling place; however, vote centers offer voters enhanced services and benefits that are more secure and convenient. All vote centers will be equipped with multiple electronic check-in stations that will allow vote center staff to verify the identity of the voter quickly and easily. At vote centers, a voter will be able to:
- Vote in-person or drop off a vote-by-mail ballot;
- Use an accessible ballot marking device that allows voters with disabilities to vote independently;
- Get a replacement ballot;
- Get language assistance; and
- Register to vote or update registration information.
OCROV will implement vote center layout guidelines to ensure all voting equipment is placed in a manner that allows a voter to mark their ballot independently and privately. Layouts will be sensitive to the accessibility needs of voters and will be adjusted to accommodate the varying shapes and room sizes of each location (see page 80 in Appendices for a sample layout).
Number of Vote Center Employees
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(IX)
The projected need for vote center employees is based on the number of 11-day and 4-day vote centers, the number of check-in stations in relation to the anticipated capacity of a vote center and a schedule that supports a variety of shifts. Estimates of the number of required vote center employees are calculated based on an average of seven staff needed at any vote center. The average considers that there may be differences in the number of required staff at any given vote center.
Vote Center Type |
Shift Type |
Projected Need by Shift |
11 Day |
Full Shift |
38 x 5 = |
190 |
4 Day |
Full Shift |
150 x 3 = |
450 |
11 Day |
Partial Shift |
38 x 4 = |
152 |
4 Day |
Partial Shift |
150 x 8 = |
1,200 |
Total Projected Need |
1,992 |
Ballot Drop Box Formula and Considerations
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(II)
The VCA requires counties to provide at least one ballot drop box location for every 15,000 registered voters. Voter registration data was analyzed to determine the estimated number of ballot drop boxes needed in each city and unincorporated areas. OCROV is planning on placing 110 ballot drop boxes throughout Orange County.
Minimum criteria are being considered and evaluated while researching any potential ballot drop box location. Ballot drop box sites that will best provide voters with additional options to securely and conveniently drop off their ballots are being considered. Best efforts are being made to identify locations with existing security camera coverage in different areas than vote center sites and post offices.
Ballot Drop Box Minimum Requirements
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(VI)
In addition to the VCA minimum requirements, the California Secretary of State (SOS) provides additional regulations such as accessibility and language requirements. Ballot drop boxes have been designed to provide translated legal language included in the graphics of the ballot drop box. OCROV is evaluating the possibility of adding additional features to support voters with disabilities, such as content in Braille or tactile directional signage, and will work with disability community partners to research best practices for future consideration. The viability of a potential location is also dependent on meeting minimum accessibility requirements as determined by a detailed assessment.
OCROV will ensure all ballot drop boxes are open to the public 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Ballot drop boxes are designed to be placed outdoors, in public locations and preventative security measures will be undertaken such as anti-vandalism coating as well as a potential mechanism for fire suppression.
Ballot Drop Box Suitability Model
OCROV staff created a Ballot Drop Box Suitability Model, which brings together the most current available geospatial and demographic data, to consider all required criteria. The Ballot Drop Box Suitability Model is an interactive mapping tool that allows the user to search for and evaluate any proposed location against all required criteria and specific regulations (see Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box Mapping Tool on page 14).
While the Ballot Drop Box Suitability Model provides a quick and effective way to assess proposed locations against the required criteria, it does not automatically define where ballot drop box locations will be finalized.
Ballot Drop Box Assessment Matrix
In addition to considering the required criteria, a Ballot Drop Box Assessment Matrix is used to consider many of the other site selection elements that, while not required by law, impact the siting process. Some examples of these site selection elements include, presence of an onsite security camera, availability of short term/temporary parking spaces for the ballot collection team, and the presence of adequate lighting at the proposed site.
Ballot Drop Box Location Recruitment Process
An informational marketing packet has been developed which includes a letter from Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley and an informational ballot drop box flyer on specifications, expectations, and frequently asked questions. The packet will be used to outreach to potential sites to provide detailed information about the ballot drop box process. The packet will include a ballot drop box agreement so that all parties have a clear understanding of roles and obligations.
Previous polling places were reviewed to determine if the location could support a ballot drop box on site. Working concurrently with potential vote center site selections, different potential ballot drop box locations have been identified that will provide additional options for voters. In addition, research has been conducted on potential city sites, libraries, and other publicly available locations. Well-known retail shopping centers and privately-owned properties have also been identified as possible locations. All potential ballot drop box locations are being further reviewed. Similar to the vote center recruitment process, cities and areas that have the largest need for ballot drop boxes are being prioritized.
Every potential site will undergo a site assessment to determine suitability and accessibility. Once the site is fully reviewed, final determinations will be made on the potential location of any placement. This will require working with the site tenant, property management company and/or property owner for approval.
List of Potential Ballot Drop Boxes with Days and Hours of Operation
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(IV), §4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(VII)
OCROV is currently in the process of identifying potential ballot drop box locations and conducting site assessments and accessibility surveys. Ballot drop box locations will be selected in conjunction with public feedback and the requirements as necessitated by law. The final list of selected ballot drop boxes will be included in the VIG and will be available on the OCROV’s website at
All ballot drop boxes will be open 30 days (including Election Day) and are available 24/7 until 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. See page 81 in Appendices for Ballot Drop Box Locations Table at the writing of publishing. OCROV will publish a list of ballot drop boxes at
Map of Potential Ballot Drop Boxes

Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box Mapping Tool
To assist with selecting sites for vote centers and ballot drop boxes, the agency’s GIS division has created a suitability model and web mapping tool. Using a framework of guidelines designated by SB 450, data-specific criteria determined by OCROV staff, and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, a suitability model was produced to grade the degree of suitability for all areas in Orange County to host vote centers and ballot drop box locations.
To accomplish this, a grid array of cells was created to cover the entire County, and then populated these grid cells with spatial data related to the requirements set forth by SB 450. Data were gathered from a variety of public entities and covers topics such as transportation, population density, voter registration and voting patterns, language requests, disabilities, and income. OCROV staff analyzed all of the data and requirements and created a ranking system to set priorities within the SB 450 requirements list. Once priority needs were determined, we created an algorithm that compiled all of the data and generated a “score” for each grid cell in the County. The resulting “score” is being used as a baseline to determine priority of need for the locations of vote centers and ballot drop boxes throughout the County.
To further assist with the process, an interactive web mapping tool was created to display the layers of data used to meet the SB 450 requirements, the resulting grid cell array with their “scores”, and potential vote center and ballot drop box locations based off of archived polling places, public infrastructure, and community sites. The tool allows exploring the existing data, proposing new sites, tracking the progress of the site selection process, and making informed decisions.
Using guidelines created by SB 450, data-specific criteria determined by OCROV staff, and GIS technology, produce a suitability model to represent the degree of suitability in fulfillment of all mandated criteria for all areas in the County to host vote centers and ballot drop box locations.
- Create a 500’ grid array that divides the County into discrete areas of a consistent size. The grid cell size was determined by analyzing the spatial resolution of available data, the total surface area of the county, and the desired level of granularity for analysis by OCROV staff.
- Overlay and spatially join voter registration records, demographic data, and infrastructure data to the grid to create a standardized array of data.
- Create a system for data values within each layer of data to specify a way to identify high, medium and low fulfillment of criteria to inform vote center facility recruitment.
Site Selection Suggestion Form on Website
Another way vote center and ballot drop box locations are selected for assessment is public feedback received through the vote center website online Site Suggestion Form This allows the public to provide a facility name, address, and a reason for suggesting a location. OCROV continues to follow up on the extensive feedback on vote centers and ballot drop box locations.
Services for Voters with Disabilities
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(X)
Orange County is committed to supporting voters with disabilities through the transition to vote centers. OCROV will expand and update services for voters with disabilities such as using an updated comprehensive accessibility survey, a voting system with current accessibility supported technology and extending the ability to cast a ballot independently from home.
Updated Accessibility Survey
- 4005(a)(4)(C)
In order to comply with the additional accessibility requirements, the SOS Accessibility Checklist was reviewed, and additional requirements were added to the OCROV Polling Place Survey to create the Orange County Registrar of Voters Vote Center Survey. In compliance, the update focused on a more in-depth examination of paths of travel from public transportation, seeking sites with a maximum number of accessible parking spaces, and additional questions to differentiate between types of curb ramps.
The past survey was also reviewed to ensure that all questions on the current survey are in compliance with the SOS Accessibility Checklist and the requirements in the VCA. The format of the OCROV Vote Center Survey was also updated from previous paper versions and outdated electronic versions to an application-based program that can be used on a mobile electronic device.
Information for Services for Voters with Disabilities included in VIGs and VBM Instructions
- 4005(a)(8)(B)(i)(IV)
The VIG will include information on how voters with disabilities can request assistance, Disability Rights California’s Voting Hotline phone number, and how to contact OCROV for any general questions. Additionally, the VIG will specify that a voter unable to mark a ballot may bring up to two individuals to assist with voting. The VIG will also include a postcard with prepaid postage for voters to request a remote accessible VBM ballot.
The VBM instructions will inform voters that there is the availability of requesting election materials in an accessible format.
Accessible Information Posted to Website
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(IV), §4005(a)(8)(B)(ii)
The OCROV website provides information to all voters in an accessible format. Special attention has been given to the design of the website to ensure that it is responsive, compatible with screen readers and easy to navigate.
The website provides voters with information relating to the election process, registering to vote, VCA legislation, and the Election Administration Plan (EAP). The website will also provide information about services available to voters with disabilities, including:
- Vote center and ballot drop box accessibility
- Ballot marking devices
- Resources for voters with disabilities
- Requesting a remote accessible VBM ballot
The website will include information on the types of services available to voters with disabilities, what services can be accessed at vote centers, and more. It will also include a list of vote centers and ballot drop boxes in an accessible format.
How a Voter with Disabilities may request a VBM, RAVBM, or Replacement Ballot
- 4005(a)(5), §4005(a)(10)(l)(ii)
With the move to vote centers, a person with a disability can request a VBM, RAVBM, or replacement ballot via the website, through email, over the phone, in written form, or in person at the OCROV office. In addition to these options, voters will also be able to request a VBM or a replacement ballot in person at any vote center and request a RAVBM through the postage-paid postcard included with every VIG.
Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail
- 4005(a)(8)(B)(i)(IV)
Orange County registered voters with disabilities may request a downloadable ballot by connecting to the Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM) system. RAVBM provides voters with disabilities the ability to request a VBM ballot to be sent electronically. The electronic ballot can be downloaded to the voter’s computer, marked using the voter’s own assistive technology and then printed. This ballot can then be returned in the same manner as any VBM ballot; through the mail, placed in a ballot drop box; or at any vote center. Voters will be provided instructions to return the completed RAVBM ballot in the supplied return envelope in the VBM packet.
OCROV is in the process of selecting a RAVBM vendor and a final decision has not been made yet.
Type and Number of Accessible Voting Machines
- 4005(a)(2)(B), §4005(a)(4)(D), §4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(X)
All Orange County vote centers will be equipped with a minimum of three accessible ballot marking devices (up to five in many cases) and will be flexible to expand the number of devices dependent on the voting room size and voter needs.
A voter will be able to mark their ballot using the touch screen display, audio tactile device, or their own assistive technology. The accessible ballot marking devices will provide voters with disabilities an autonomous voting experience. Ballot marking devices will be arranged to allow all voters the opportunity to cast their ballot privately and independently.
Type and Number of Reasonable Modifications at Vote Centers
- 4005(a)(6)(D), §4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(X)
There are multiple types of reasonable modifications that will be offered inside vote centers. Electronic check-in, minimum standard of three accessible voting machines (up to five in most locations, dependent on available square footage), and physical modifications will be in place to support voters with disabilities.
Electronic check-in will allow those voters with disabilities the option to sign the roster independently and accessibility features on the electronic devices will allow for screen-reading, magnification, and inverted colors for those with visual disabilities. Magnifiers will be available upon request, and chairs will be available at check-in stations and at the accessible voting units upon request. If a voter needs additional assistance, vote center employees will be available to assist a voter as a visual guide through the voting room, or to read out any information they may not be able to see.
In addition to modifications upon request, each vote center will be surveyed for accessibility. If needed, facilities may be provided with threshold ramps for short rises to enter rooms, cones to identify hazards, and mats to cover slipping hazards. Most facilities will be asked leave doors to the voting room open for accessibility. Occasionally, a facility may provide a ballot call device which a voter is able to use to request curbside voting without entering the vote center; this will depend on the terrain of the location.
Toll-Free Voter Phone Line
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vii)
The public will be provided a toll-free voter phone line to direct voters to the accessibility features in order to ask questions and receive voting and election-related information. The toll-free phone number will be published on OCROV website, public service announcements, and provided in media outreach and direct voter contact information including the VIG.
Voters that are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech-disabled may use the California Relay Service (CRS) by dialing 711 to use the telephone system via a text telephone (TTY) or other device to call OCROV’s Toll-Free Voter Phone Line. CRS supports the following modes of communication: TTY, VCO, 2LVCO, HCO, STS, VASTS, ASCII, or Voice.
Video Conferencing
OCROV will provide American Sign Language interpretation assistance via video conferencing at all vote centers.
Language Assistance Services
OCROV is nationally recognized as a leader in providing comprehensive and innovative language assistance services to voters. From having dedicated bilingual staff prepare culturally appropriate translations and maintaining an extensive event calendar, OCROV is committed to providing numerous opportunities for language communities to learn about the transition to vote centers.
Translated Reference Ballots and Language Assistance Card
- 13400
Per California Elections Code §14201, OCROV is required to provide translated reference ballots at targeted precincts and a card indicating that translated reference ballots in Tagalog and Farsi (Persian) are available at targeted precincts.
The targeted precincts are identified, and the corresponding ballot types are translated by a contracted vendor per requirements under §13307. In the vote center model, a translated reference ballot will be posted at every vote center and copies will be available as a reference guide for voters who request it. In addition to receiving a translated reference ballot at a vote center, voters may also request a translated reference ballot by telephone, mail, or fax up to 10 days before Election Day.
Orange County provides an inclusive language assistance card, which not only lists the availability of translated reference ballots but all language services available at vote centers. Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles described OCROV’s language assistance card as “a best practice on how to provide language assistance signage for all counties.”[1] Currently, the card is in a paper format and OCROV is exploring electronic formats. See page 53 in Appendices for a sample language assistance card.
Language Assistance Services included in VIGs or VBM instructions and Website
- 4005(a)(8)(B)
Voters will be notified of their ability to request translated election materials and language assistance services in the VIG and VBM instructions.
The website will provide the complete list of language assistance services. Currently, OCROV utilizes to provide information on language assistance services under the polling place model. Prior to the March 2020 Election, this webpage will be updated to reflect language assistance services available under the vote center model.
Bilingual Vote Center Staffing and Supported Languages
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(IX)
OCROV will determine which vote centers are located in or adjacent to a precinct that meets language requirements under the federal Voting Rights Act (VRA) for in-person language assistance. In addition, OCROV will solicit public input regarding which vote centers should be staffed by individuals who are fluent in specific languages, pursuant to subdivision (c) of §12303 and §203 of the federal Voting Rights Act (VRA). Every effort will be made to recruit and assign bilingual vote center staff to these vote centers.
At vote centers identified as meeting language assistance requirements, voters will still have alternate options to receive effective in-language assistance such as translated written materials, assistance over a telephone call, and assistance through video conferencing.
Toll-Free Voter Phone Line and Multilingual Public Phone Bank
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vii), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(I)
Leading up to Election Day, OCROV operates a public phone bank that is staffed with bilingual operators in federal and state required languages to assist voters with questions before, during, and after an election to provide in-language assistance. Language voters may also call a toll-free voter phone line to ask questions and receive voting and election-related information. The toll-free phone number is 1-888-628-6837 and it has been activated. It will be published on OCROV website, public service announcements, and provided in media outreach and direct voter contact information including the VIG. There will be one toll-free number to serve the public, including language communities.
Video Conferencing
To supplement in-person support to voters requesting language assistance, OCROV will be debuting video conferencing to provide multilingual assistance at all vote centers. This will ensure that voters needing language assistance will be able to interact with trained bilingual staff who can verbally and visually guide the voter to meaningfully participate in the voting process, even if there is not bilingual staff at the vote center. Staff are currently researching vendors and equipment needed to provide this service; a pilot program is scheduled to take place prior to the March 2020 Election. Telephone support will also be available depending on the preference of the requesting voter.
Supported languages include:
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- Chinese
- Korean
- Farsi (Persian)
- Tagalog
- American Sign Language
Voting Technology
Electronic Poll Books
Electronic poll books directly replace paper rosters and provide a mechanism to ensure the efficient and secure processing of eligible voters at any vote center location. They accomplish secure processing by having a protected and encrypted real-time batched connection to the election database to send and receive voter status updates.
An electronic pollbook solution chosen by OCROV is a combination of tablet hardware devices and vendor proprietary software. The voter information resides in and is used by the electronic poll book, and is password protected and encrypted whether the data is at rest or in transit. In addition to the communication between electronic poll books, the OCROV electronic poll book data server is transmitted over a secured high-speed wireless broadband network built specifically for protecting sensitive data. OCROV has selected and contracted with a vendor to provide electronic poll books for the vote center operations.
Voting System
The effort to replace Orange County’s current voting system began in 2013 due to the decreasing usable equipment and the lack of allowable modifications in a highly regulated environment.
In addition to the requirement that voting systems must be certified by the State of California, internal strict extensive security requirements have been developed and were included in the Request for Proposals for procurement of a new voting system. The internal requirements covered technical aspects of the voting system as well as organizational requirements for responsive vendors. Encrypted data, the ability to detect tampering, and the ability to meet security standards are examples of the requirements that have been included in the Request for Proposal for any new voting system.
OCROV entered into a contract with Hart InterCivic as a voting system solution for vote center operations and equipment is being procured in 2019.
Voting Security
OCROV has been aggressively pursuing security measures to protect the integrity of our elections by paying attention to issues related to ballot integrity, voter registration systems, and ensuring the eligibility of voters. Although threats are constantly changing and incidents are unique, there are best practices to prepare for threats and incidents. OCROV continues to improve our current systems and implement new sets of standards. OCROV has implemented physical and cybersecurity controls while incorporating extensive training for employees. There are also classified security measures in place to ensure that these mitigation efforts are not compromised.
Security and Contingency Plans to Ensure Prevention of Disruption
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(VIII)(ia)
OCROV has a multi-pronged approach to ensure prevention of disruption to election operations through partnerships, internal controls, and procedures.
State, Federal, Local Partnerships
We have developed a relationship with our Orange County’s Chief Information Security office, and the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center (OCIAC). We also have a direct relationship with Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Election Assistance Commission (EAC).
There is increased collaboration around election cycles before and after the election. We enhance our security awareness and communication, including regular meetings with the County’s security office, DHS, and the FBI.
Internal Controls
From a technical perspective, OCROV includes a multi-layered approach to ensure the data remains encrypted and secured at all times. Devices that have Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) certified components will be utilized and data will remain encrypted from point-to-point at all times. Physical security is also a consideration when choosing a location to host a vote center. Only facilities that provide adequate physical security will be chosen.
Mobile device management allows total control of securing and enforcing policies to tablets, smartphones, and other devices. Mobile device management allows for the ability to remotely wipe a device, use password enforcement, enable application whitelisting or blacklisting, use data encryption enforcement, control application distribution and software updates, and more.
Every vote center will have a smartphone for notification in the event of an emergency. Vote center staff will also receive a handbook on what procedures to follow should there be an emergency. Voting equipment will have battery back-up in the event there is a loss of power.
Procedures, Methods and Standards
Chain of custody procedures are used as an administrative control as part of the overall strategy to secure election operations. The chain of custody procedures ensures that physical tracking of voting system equipment is in place.
Voting system components are secured within a secure location requiring badge access until deployed for the election. Voting devices are placed in numerically sealed transportation containers. Memory devices are numerically sealed in the voting systems. All voting equipment is tracked when deployed and returned to the OCROV.
Election personnel sign chain of custody documents for voting equipment at distribution locations. Election personnel and vote center staff will be required to check the security seals periodically and report any broken seals or suspicious activity. An OCROV representative signs for equipment upon its return. Voting equipment is inventoried and placed in a secured location.
Security and Contingency Plans to Ensure Continuation of Election in Event of Disruption
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vi)(VIII)(ib)
OCROV has taken extensive preparations to prevent disruptions in the elections process; however, it is equally important to be prepared to respond to the real possibility of an incident or disruption. This section outlines the steps taken to be prepared to continue elections operations in the event of a disruption.
Vote Center Response During the Voting Period
During the voting period, election support personnel are located throughout Orange County, ready to respond to any incident. These field personnel have replacement voting equipment and supplies and are trained to handle technical issues. The response time of these support personnel will typically be less than 15 minutes. Field personnel can also respond to loss of power at a vote center location with mobile electric generators. Vote center employees have emergency contact information, including a dedicated helpdesk that can quickly resolve issues, or dispatch a member of the support team in the field.
All vote center equipment functions independently and is implemented with the ability to operate without connection to the Internet. Each piece of voting equipment does not directly communicate with other voting equipment, and if one piece of equipment stops functioning, all of the other voting equipment continues to operate.
Incident Response Plan
OCROV has an in-depth Incident Response Plan that can be used in the event of a cybersecurity incident, outage or attack. This plan provides a systematic way to identify, address and recover from an incident.
Critical processes and their associated information technology dependencies have been identified to ensure ongoing elections operations in the event of a disruption. It provides a framework for determining critical business processes and enabling the organization to survive the loss of part or all of our operational capabilities.
The communications flowchart below depicts how information will be disseminated to voters, staff, and media outlets during a disruption. Delegations of authority have been set to avoid misinformation, make policy determinations, and decisions for functional areas of the department as appropriate.

A comprehensive Incident Response Plan has been created and will be updated under the vote center model, outlining response strategies for a variety of possible scenarios.
Methods and Standards
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(iv)
The purpose of the Incident Response Plan is to allow elections operations to continue in the event of a disaster, an incident or a service disruption. By identifying the procedures for critical processes, communications, and alternate facilities, most foreseeable disruptions to elections operations can be mitigated.
Critical Processes
The plan identifies all critical processes required to run an election. Each of these critical processes is analyzed, and the technical dependencies for each of those processes are determined. For each of those technical dependencies, a recovery strategy is defined, including the restoration of required data. As an example, providing vote center support is one of the many critical election processes identified. In order to provide support to vote centers, employees need access to a database with vote center information and contact information. Therefore, the Incident Response Plan requires that there is a backup of that database and a strategy to be able to restore the data in a reasonable amount of time to continue operations.
The Incident Response Plan also addresses modes of communication, and how communication can continue during a disruption. This includes alternate modes of communication in the case that primary systems fail. Responsibilities are assigned for disseminating information, and key stakeholders with whom it will be required to communicate in the event of a disruption. The process that is disrupted determines with whom the communication needs to occur. For example, some disruptions will require communication to only vote center staff, while other disruptions may require communication to the media and general public.
Alternate Facilities
Alternate facilities are designated for local disasters, such as fires, floods, or other situations that would now allow access to our main facilities. Mobile voting units could be deployed to serve as supplemental or replacement voting locations.
Fiscal Impact
The replacement of voting system complicates the comparison of short-term and long-term costs and savings. OCROV’s voting system has reached its end of life after more than 15 years of successful elections.
Estimates of Short-Term and Long-Term Savings
- 4005(a)(10)(I)(v)
The following tables show a comparison of costs of licensing and maintenance of the existing and new voting systems, and the costs to purchase a new system in both a polling place model election and a vote center model election.
Voting system licensing and maintenance costs:
Fiscal Year 2016/2017 |
Fiscal Year 2017/2018 |
Fiscal Year 2018/2019 |
Fiscal Year 2019/2020 (proposed budget) |
2018 Voting System |
$730,000 |
$595,000 |
$595,000 |
$50,000 |
New Voting System |
$15,395,592 |
New voting system estimated costs for both polling place and vote center elections:
Election Type |
# Sites/# Accessible Units (includes growth) |
One-time Equipment Purchase (estimated) |
Polling Place Model |
900 / 1200 |
$23,400,000–$40,000,000 |
Vote Center Model |
188 / 940 |
$8,537,550–$14,177,550 |
Cost Difference |
$14,862,450-$25,822,450 |
Overview of Voter Education and Outreach Plan
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VI)
OCROV is committed to cultivating new relationships with community organizations and stakeholders, as well as strengthening our existing relationships with community partners during the transition to the vote center model.
In 2020, OCROV will continue to participate in events that have been historically attended, as well as develop creative and more effective ways of communicating to voters. This Voter Education and Outreach Plan (VEOP) will highlight outreach events the organization will coordinate and attend, outline new messaging strategies that will increase our presence in the community, and detail how resources will be allocated more efficiently through the analysis of key data points.
Summary of Goals
- Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 presentations
- Vote center workshops
- 50 large community engagement events
- 100 small-to-medium community engagement events
- Pop-up voting in March 2020 and November 2020 Elections
- Partnerships with colleges and universities
- Partnerships with high schools
- 2-4 direct voter contacts
- A suite of over 70 produced videos
- Increased social media presence
Community Partners
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(III)
Successfully maintaining a community outreach program includes maintaining established partnerships with community-based groups/organizations. OCROV meets with dedicated individuals from various organizations across Orange County including: advocacy groups, civic groups, citizen leagues, senior centers, churches, and other individuals. These relationships have begun as far back as 1998 and the number of organizations continues to grow each year.
Community Election Working Group
The Community Election Working Group (CEW) is a diverse 25-member community advisory board committed to making sure elections are open and accessible. Since its inception in 2009, quarterly CEW meetings have been conducted which have cultivated valuable input from the community regarding the elections process. The advisory group also provides a forum for OCROV to update the community as a whole on election issues and promote community involvement.
Membership includes, but is not limited to, representation from the Latino community, Asian community, City Clerks, League of Women Voters, Republican Party, Democratic Party, alternative parties, senior community, veterans community, disabled community, youth population (voters ages 18 to 25) and at-large positions.
CEW Subcommittee Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee & Language Accessibility Advisory Committees
- 4005(a)(9)(A), §4005(a)(9)(B), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(I)
Implemented in early 2017, the CEW Subcommittee Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) and the CEW Subcommittee Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) are two independent committees of the CEW that designated to focus on the needs of voters with disabilities and language minority communities.
The mission of the LAAC is to advise and assist the OCROV with implementation of federal and state laws relating to language access, so that all voters can meaningfully participate in the voting process. The LAAC also provides recommendations identifying and prioritizing activities, programs, and policies to ensure equal access to the ballot. The responsibilities of the committee include the following: providing expertise on language accessibility issues; promoting language accessibility initiatives; and responding to the OCROV’s questions regarding language support.
The mission of the VAAC is to advise and assist the OCROV with providing services to voters with accessibility needs and meeting state and federal requirements, so all opportunities to provide equal access are explored. The VAAC also provides recommendations identifying and prioritizing activities, programs, and policies to ensure voters with disabilities can independently cast a ballot. The responsibilities of the committee include the following: providing expertise on accessibility matters; incorporating accessibility procedures into operations; and providing feedback to the OCROV regarding accessibility standards and outreaching to voters with accessibility needs.
CEW and subcommittees LAAC and VAAC meeting agendas and a list of members and supporting organizations for each group can be found starting on page 63 in Appendices. Language community partners and disability community partners are listed starting on page 52 in Appendices.
Voter Education Workshops for Language Communities
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VI)(ia)
Following the final publication of the EAP, OCROV will host multiple voter education workshops to provide vote center and election information for each of Orange County’s federal and state required languages. In 2020, these languages will include Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Farsi (Persian), and Tagalog.
Each workshop will include information about the vote center model, voting equipment demonstrations, language assistance services, ballot drop-off options, and methods to request translated election materials. Information about the workshops will be announced at least 10 days in advance of the date and will be shared with the LAAC and language community organizations.
OCROV will partner with CEW LAAC and its language community partners to determine the number of workshops, workshop dates, times, and locations, and what materials to distribute to best serve voters with language needs.
Methods to Identify Language Communities
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(V)
OCROV utilizes the number of voters who request language assistance through voter registration forms. Voters may also notify OCROV of their language preference via telephone, fax, email or online to update their language preference. Sources such as the United States Census Bureau help identify areas where there may be communities that have limited-English proficiency and may need language assistance.
In addition, OCROV receives input from language community partners on the geographic distribution of where language communities exist in Orange County.
Toll-Free Voter Phone Line and Multilingual Public Phone Bank
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(vii), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(I)
Leading up to Election Day, OCROV operates a public phone bank that is staffed with bilingual operators in federal and state required languages to assist voters with questions before, during, and after an election to provide in-language assistance. Language voters may also call a toll-free voter phone line to ask questions and receive voting and election-related information. The toll-free phone number is 1-888-628-6837 and it has been activated. It will be published on OCROV website, public service announcements, and provided in media outreach and direct voter contact information including the VIG. There will be one toll-free number to serve the public, including language communities.
Voter Education Workshop for Disability Community
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VI)(ib)
Following the final publication of the EAP, OCROV will host multiple voter education workshops to increase accessibility and participation of eligible voters with disabilities. The workshop will include education about the vote center model, voting equipment demonstrations, the accessibility of the voting equipment, ballot drop-off information, and options for obtaining an electronically accessible vote-by-mail ballot.
OCROV will partner with CEW VAAC and its disability community partners to determine the number of workshops, workshop dates, times, and locations, and what materials to distribute to best serve voters with disabilities. Possibilities include developing instructional and informational videos on topics such as RAVBM and available services for voters with disabilities at vote centers.
Information about the workshop events will be announced at least 10 days in advance of the date and it will be shared with the VAAC and disability community organizations.
Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail Outreach
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(II)
OCROV will develop an outreach plan to inform voters on the availability of RAVBM in partnership with CEW VAAC. Different strategies will be created based on the target audience and best practices on how to reach them. This will be implemented as a part of the larger overall media strategy for informing and engaging voters leading up to the March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election.
High Schools
OCROV has strong relationships with high schools through its award-winning MyBallot program. The MyBallot program provides high school students a history of voting and interactive opportunities to learn about ballot generation, administering a student election with official voting equipment, and overseeing tabulation of election results. Since its inception in 2010, over 4,000 students from 22 high schools participated and gained a better understanding of the election process and voting.
The MyBallot program was developed with the traditional polling place model and will be reimagined with the transition to the vote center model. OCROV will leverage its existing relationships with high schools to provide pre-registration opportunities, information on how elections are conducted under the vote center model, and voter registration training.
Colleges and Universities
There are approximately 28 colleges and universities with campuses in Orange County. OCROV has built relationships with colleges and universities through hosting tabling events on campus where voting and election information is provided, voter registration training to student organizations, and speaking engagements during classes and at student club meetings.
Additionally, OCROV has brought its Mobile Community Engagement Unit and Pop-Up Mobile Voting Unit to college and university campuses with redesigned marketing collateral to draw the attention of students, faculty, and staff. Examples include hosting Pop-Up Mobile Voting at Saddleback College, Golden West College, California State University at Fullerton (CSU Fullerton), and University of California at Irvine (UC Irvine) in past election years.
Initial conversations have taken place to develop comprehensive marketing plans for colleges and universities and explore the possibility of hosting either a vote center or ballot drop box on campus. OCROV has already begun planning efforts with both CSU Fullerton and UC Irvine to host a vote center location on campus and explore similar opportunities with other local colleges and universities.
Business Partners
OCROV will partner with business associations and chambers of commerce to provide speaking engagements, voter registration training, and informational tabling at meetings. Past collaborative efforts include bringing the Pop-Up Mobile Voting Unit to the Ladera Ranch Chamber of Commerce’s Harvest Festival and communicating updates related to voting at events hosted by local chambers of commerce. Additionally, OCROV is in the process of planning a Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 presentation geared towards the business community.
Speaking Engagements and Community Events
Speaking Engagements
The speaking engagement component of OCROV’s community outreach program is an integral part of outreaching to voters of many different backgrounds throughout Orange County. Covering a diverse and expansive area, the program aims to achieve the following goals:
- Educate voters on the electoral process, including the transition to the vote center model
- Provide information on special programs, online features and voter registration
- Network and pursue collaborative opportunities
The focus is to provide small and large-scale communication to the community. Speaking engagements include attending various community meetings and events and conducting non-partisan, neutral, and culturally sensitive presentations.
As many groups exist within Orange County, speaking engagements allow OCROV to promote services, build partnerships, and interact with various communities. Targeted groups have included, but are not limited, to the following:
· Community groups |
· Churches |
· Citizenship classes |
· Rotary clubs |
· Universities |
· Professional associations |
· Parent Teacher Associations |
· Student organizations |
· Public service agencies |
· Cultural clubs |
· Non-profit organizations |
· Youth groups |
· Service organizations |
· Senior citizen centers |
Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 Presentations
The Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 is a traveling monthly presentation series where OCROV staff has been providing vote center planning updates. The Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 began in May 2019 and a remaining schedule of upcoming events is listed on page 62 in Appendices.
Plans for the Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 following the March 2020 Election have not been determined.
Speakers Bureau
In addition to speaking engagements supported by OCROV staff, the Speakers Bureau will be developed to train community leaders to present vote center information as trusted community messengers. OCROV previously operated a Speakers Bureau program during the 2004 rollout of new voting equipment, and the 2020 Speakers Bureau will be focused on opportunities for voters and the general public to learn about the transition to vote centers.
Community organizations will be invited to nominate members to participate in the Speakers Bureau. Individuals participating in the Speakers Bureau will receive training and presentation materials to effectively provide a general overview of the transition to vote centers.
Voting System Demonstrations
Following a detailed and transparent procurement process, a new voting system was approved by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in September 2019 and will replace the existing 15-year old voting system. The new voting system is certified by both the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and the Secretary of State and will offer new features to make voting easier and more accessible to voters.
To raise awareness and provide for public education, OCROV will host a minimum of 20 voting system demonstrations in advance of the March 2020 Election where the public will be able to view and interact with the new voting system. Efforts will be made to target large-scale events and collaborate with community partners to achieve high impact and exposure to many voters.
Community Events
To maintain OCROV’s presence in the community, OCROV will continue to focus its community outreach attendance to both small-to-medium and large-scale events. OCROV will be present at these events to provide information about the transition to the vote center model, voting, and other election information. Staff will engage the public, answer questions, and assist in filling out voter registration forms. By participating in these events, OCROV will have access to thousands of individuals in communities throughout Orange County. A list of potential community events being pursued in the 2020 election cycle is available on page 92 in Appendices.
Elected Officials and Government Agencies
OCROV will leverage existing working relationships with government agencies and elected officials to raise public awareness of the transition to vote centers.
Fall 2019 Collaborative Planning Meeting
In Fall 2019, OCROV will host a collaborative planning meeting in partnership with Secretary of State Alex Padilla. Invitees will include Orange County elected officials, government agencies, and staff to discuss vote centers and opportunities to inform constituents of the upcoming changes to voting and elections. This will mirror the successful Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 presentation OCROV hosted with Orange County city clerks and government administrators in May 2019.
Potential collaborative opportunities include hosting a vote center or ballot drop box at a public agency location, making informational materials available at physical sites and online on websites, and relaying vote center and voting information to constituents.
This meeting is intended to strengthen the ongoing partnerships to relay information and support voters between OCROV, elected officials, and government agencies in 2020 and beyond.
Collaborative Community Outreach
Partnership with 2-1-1
OCROV will pursue an innovative partnership with 2-1-1 Orange County. 2-1-1 Orange County is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization offering a comprehensive information and referral system for Orange County residents to receive community health and human services and support.
Callers will hear a recording with vote center and election information as they wait to be connected. 2-1-1 Information and Referral Specialists will receive vote center information, be able to locate the nearest vote center or ballot drop box for a voter and refer voters to OCROV for additional assistance.
Partnership with the Orange County Transportation Agency
The Orange County Transportation Agency (OCTA) is the official provider of countywide public transportation in Orange County. In partnership with OCTA, OCROV intends to wrap public buses and bus stop benches with vote center marketing. By utilizing this strategy, the opportunity not only raises the awareness of vote centers among voters who utilize public transportation but also any individual in the vicinity of a public transportation vehicle or stop.
Vote Center Marketing Package for Government Agencies
A marketing package will be developed for government agencies to offer informational materials at a variety of public agency locations. Translated marketing materials will be available and provided to government agencies by request.
The package will include, but not be limited to:
- Brochures
- Flyers
- Posters
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Map and List of Vote Center and Ballot Drop Box Locations
Community Engagement Suite
General Media Plan
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(I)
To inform Orange County voters of the upcoming changes to voting and elections, OCROV will take an expansive approach to reach as many voters as possible, multiple times. By using a blend of social media, direct mail, print, broadcast, video, online, and radio approaches, our goal is to saturate the spectrum of media outlets for voters to increase the potential for a voter to see vote center informational and marketing materials.
Media Partners
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(II), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VIII)
OCROV will provide press releases, video content, and social media content for mass distribution and publication to existing media partners and seek out other trusted media sources to relay vote center communication. Accessibility options, methods to request an accessible ballot, vote center and ballot drop box locations, other general election information and other voting updates will be shared with media partners. For a list of media partners, please see page 57 in Appendices.
Additionally, Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley often appears on local and national media to speak as an elections expert and provide the perspective of an election official. These types of opportunities will be utilized to specifically support communicating changes on a macro level.
Language Media Partners
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(l)
Orange County’s diverse communities receive news updates and information from a variety of sources, including language media outlets. OCROV has dedicated full-time staff to serve as liaisons to language communities and have developed strong relationships with language media partners in communities that speak Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Farsi (Persian), and Tagalog. Information on the upcoming election and the toll-free voter assistance hotline will be shared with language media partners. For a list of language media partners, please see page 59 in Appendices.
Direct Voter Contacts
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(X)
OCROV plans to send two to four direct mailers to advise all registered voters of the availability of OCROV’s toll-free voter assistance hotline and the upcoming changes to elections and voting. The mailers may vary in size but will be designed to catch the attention of the voter with vote center branding and messaging. The mailers may also provide information such as voting options, vote center and ballot drop box locations and hours, or when to expect a Voter Information Guide (VIG) or vote-by-mail (VBM) ballot.
Postage-Paid Postcard for Requesting Materials in an Alternate Language or an Accessible Format
- 4005(a)(8)(B)(iii)
All registered voters will receive a postage-paid postcard in their VIG to request a VBM ballot in an accessible format and to request election materials in alternate languages per §14201 of the California Elections Code and §203 of the federal Voting Rights Act. Instructions will be included in the VIG and on the OCROV website for completing and returning the postcard.
Public Service Announcements
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VIII), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(IX)
OCROV is developing a suite of over 70 videos of varying lengths and themes (translated in all required languages). The videos will be informational as well as instructional such as notifying voters of the date of the election and different options for returning a ballot. Videos will promote a toll-free, accessible voter hotline to ask questions and receive voting and election-related information.
Filming will take place at various sites throughout Orange County, showcasing a sample vote center layout and external view of vote centers and ballot drop boxes.
The videos will be open-captioned and be in accessible formats to be inclusive of voters who are hard of hearing or deaf and voters who are blind or visually impaired. Additionally, videos will be audio-recorded in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Farsi (Persian). Content will be provided to general media partners and language media partners. Please see page 57 in Appendices for a list of general media partners and page 59 for language media partners.
Social Media
The OCROV will use social media to attract new voters and to provide information to existing voters about the change to vote centers and updates on critical deadlines, events, voting tips, vote center and ballot drop box locations.
OCROV is exploring opportunities with Facebook and YouTube to promote vote center information and target specific populations in Orange County such as younger voters between the ages of 18-25, members of the public who follow language media outlets, and individuals who are interested in accessibility advocacy.
Election Newsfeeds will be branded as “Election NewsClicks”, which will allow for blog posts to be positioned as timely and critical information. NewsClicks will be integrated with GovDelivery to automatically post blogs to Twitter and Facebook as well as produce an automated outbound e-mail to subscribers.
Below are social media strategies to achieve the overall goals of informing and educating voters about the transition to vote centers:
- To expand OCROV’s presence on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn
- To publish highly-targeted and site-specific content on a regular schedule
- To engage meaningfully with active community members through social media
- To stimulate and nurture genuine discussion on social media
- To enhance the video content currently on OCROV’s YouTube channel to be functional to vote center outreach, education, and training
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(IV)
The OCROV website ( will be utilized heavily as the main source of vote center information and materials for the public. Information on the OCROV website is in accessible formats and is publicly available. This will include the EAP, methods to request an accessible VBM ballot, the option to use an accessible voting device and how to use it, lists of vote centers and ballot drop boxes, and other information related to the VCA.
The website will also be translated into Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean, so voters with limited-English proficiency in these languages will still be able to access vote center information.
Vote Center Newsletter
Starting in Spring 2019, OCROV launched a weekly vote center newsletter geared towards providing planning updates, outreach information, and opportunities to share public input. Past newsletters included survey data analysis, information about vote center workshops, and methods to provide vote center and ballot drop box site suggestions. There are approximately 5,500 subscribers to OCROV newsletters.
See page 106 in Appendices for a sample vote center newsletter.
Mobile Voting
OCROV will continue to seek opportunities to bring mobile voting to voters in unique locations and geographic areas where voters might otherwise have limited access to in-person voting options.
Community Engagement Mobile Outreach Vehicle
To conduct more effective and visible voter education, OCROV utilizes a custom-made Community Engagement Mobile Outreach Vehicle. The mobile outreach vehicle is fully accessible and equipped with interactive voting displays on board. It gives all the opportunity to experience the democratic process including on-the-go voting.
Since 2004, our mobile fleet has been showcased at numerous community events, parades and outdoor venues. Moreover, these vehicles have been officially and effectively utilized as a fully contained voting location and are available throughout the voting period as a backup vote center. The units were a first of their kind and have been replicated in areas across the country.
Pop-Up Mobile Voting Unit
OCROV continues to develop innovative solutions in response to voter trends and inspiration was taken from pop-up stores and restaurants that often draw positive public attention in areas with high traffic. Ultimately, the goal is to garner the interest of the public at events by using proven strategies, such as simple design principles and targeted signage that can be changed depending on the event.
The mobile unit has a custom wrap to match the marketing and branding plan OCROV has undertaken across the entire agency. The mobility of this platform promotes voter engagement and participation and allows OCROV to reach underrepresented populations and high-density locations to provide voting opportunities, vote center information, and improve the voter experience.
The Pop-Up Mobile Voting Unit will be utilized in the 2020 election cycle. Locations will be balanced between opportunities to reach geographically isolated voters and high-impact events to reach many voters. Voters will be notified in the VIG and VBM instructions of any mobile voting opportunities. Details such as locations and dates and hours of operations will be published in the VIG and website at
See page 105 for images of OCROV’s mobile fleet.
Projected Budget for Voter Outreach
- 4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VII), §4005(a)(10)(l)(i)(VII)
The transition to vote centers is a fundamental change for Orange County voters and will require significant funding for the multiple facets of the Voter Education and Outreach Plan through the 2020 election cycle.
Voter Education and Outreach Funding and Comparison to Past Budgets
Activity |
Jun 2018 Polling Place Actual Costs |
Nov 2018 Polling Place Actual Costs |
2020 Vote Center Budget |
Advertising |
$38,634 |
$111,041 |
$1,500,000 |
Newspaper Legal Ads |
$50,000 |
Misc. Advertising |
$84,945 |
Outreach |
$124,342 |
$16,182 |
$500,000 |
Misc. Outreach Operations |
$45,000 |
Voter Outreach events |
$10,000 |
Secretary of State Outreach Grant/Contract Funding Source (expected to be applied toward existing advertising expenses) |
$1,875,000 |
Public Meetings
Vote Center Workshops
In development of the EAP, OCROV hosted 28 vote center workshops throughout Orange County to gather input from the public. Over 600 members of the public attended these workshops and engaged in the opportunity to learn about the upcoming transition to vote centers and provide feedback.
To be inclusive of targeted communities, language assistance was provided at select workshops and particular workshops were promoted to the disability community.
Targeted Community |
Number of Workshops |
Disability Community |
2 |
Seniors |
2 |
Spanish |
5 |
Vietnamese |
2 |
Korean |
2 |
Chinese |
1 |
Tagalog |
1 |
Farsi (Persian) |
1 |
A full schedule of the vote center workshops is provided in the comprehensive vote center workshop flyer below.

Speaking Engagements and Community Events
Speaking Engagements and Community Events 2/2019 - Present |
Date |
2019 Event Name |
City |
Host Organization |
3/2/19 |
2019 Orange County Lantern Festival |
Costa Mesa |
Orange County's Pacific Symphony and South Coast Chinese Cultural Center |
3/19/19 |
Citizenship Ceremonies - March 2019 (1) |
Anaheim |
3/21/19 |
Citizenship Ceremonies - March 2019 (2) |
Anaheim |
3/23/19 |
First Annual - Aging Together - Health and Resource Fair AASCSC |
Santa Ana |
Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA), and Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center (AASCSC) |
3/24/19 |
6th Annual Persian New Year Festival |
Irvine |
Iranian-American Community Group of Orange County (IAC Group) |
3/30/19 |
Laguna Niguel High School Job & College Fair |
Laguna Niguel |
Laguna Niguel High School |
3/31/19 |
Persian New Year Picnic Day |
Irvine |
Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County (NIPOC) |
4/3/19 |
Los Amigos of OC Meeting |
Anaheim |
Los Amigos of OC |
4/11/19 |
2019 FoCE Conference |
Sacramento |
Future of California Elections (FoCE) |
4/13/19 |
VIAN High School Involvement Meeting |
Irvine |
VIAN, WeIrvine |
4/13/19 |
City of Westminster 2019 Spring Festival |
Westminster |
Westminster City |
4/16/19 |
Katella High School Voter Education Weeks |
Anaheim |
Katella High School |
4/19/19 |
Pacifica High School Civics Class Presentations |
Garden Grove |
Pacifica High School |
4/20/19 |
Korean American Grassroots Conference Regional Seminar |
Irvine |
Korean American Grassroots Conference |
4/22/19 |
Earth Day Event at Golden West College |
Huntington Beach |
Golden West College |
4/23/19 |
Achieve Better Communication (ABC) Meeting |
Tustin |
Achieve Better Communication |
4/26/19 |
Northwood High School Voter Education Weeks |
Irvine |
Northwood High School |
4/29/19 |
Beckman High School Meet the Professionals Fair |
Irvine |
Beckman High School |
4/30/19 |
Irvine Republican Women Federated Meeting |
Irvine |
Irvine Republican Women Federated |
5/4/19 |
SOKA International Festival |
Aliso Viejo |
SOKA University |
5/4/19 |
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Anaheim |
Anaheim |
Fiesta United, Inc. |
5/10/19 |
14th Annual AAPI Heritage Month Celebration |
Bellflower |
Southern CA Edison |
5/11/19 |
State of the Community |
Fullerton |
Fullerton Collaborative |
5/18/19 |
"72nd California LULAC Annual State Convention" -Building Bridges for Unity |
Garden Grove |
5/19/19 |
Vesak Festival - Buddha's Birthday Celebration |
Garden Grove |
Giac Ly Buddhist Monastery |
5/23/19 |
Korean American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County Introduction |
Garden Grove |
Korean American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County |
5/28/19 |
Orange County Asian Chamber Leadership Mixer |
Costa Mesa |
Asian Business Association of Orange County (ABAOC) |
5/31/19 |
Voice of Change |
Anaheim |
OC Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) |
6/1/19 |
VIAN School Year-End Meeting |
Irvine |
6/2/19 |
2019-06-02 Together We Will OC Voter Registration Training |
Irvine |
Together We Will OC |
6/4/19 |
KUCI OC Spotlight Talk Radio Show |
6/7/19 |
Annual Orange County Hiring Fair |
Costa Mesa |
Michelle Steel, Supervisor, 2nd District Orange County Board Of Supervisors And KACC Foundation |
6/11/19 |
Peace & Justice Ministry Voter Registration Presentation |
Santa Ana |
Volunteers of the Peace & Justice Ministry at the Christ our Savior Parish. |
6/12/19 |
AASCSC's 30th Anniversary and Dragon Boat Festival Celebration |
Santa Ana |
Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center (AASCSC) |
6/12/19 |
Annual Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County Membership Meeting and FACCOC Mixer |
Newport Coast |
Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County (FLOC) |
6/30/19 |
Tabling Sunday Mass Christ Our Savior Parish |
Santa Ana |
Christ Our Savior Parish |
7/1/19 |
ITZ Happenin! Radio Show Interview |
ITZ Happenin! |
7/10/19 |
Los Amigos Community Forum |
Anaheim |
7/12/19 |
Laguna Woods Republican Club ROV Tour |
Santa Ana |
7/18/19 |
National Disability Voter Registration Week |
Anaheim |
7/25/19 |
Korean American Chamber of Commerce's Breakfast with Police Chiefs |
Garden Grove |
Korean American Chamber of Commerce-Orange County |
7/25/19 |
Asian Americans In Action Community Mixer |
Santa Ana |
Asian Americans In Action |
7/25/19 |
Orange County Labor Federation Candidate Academy |
Buena Park |
7/31/19 |
OC Fair |
Costa Mesa |
8/3/19 |
City of La Palma Civic Expo & National Night Out |
La Palma |
City of La Palma |
8/3/19 |
OC Fair |
Costa Mesa |
8/3/19 |
Anaheim Democrats Club |
Anaheim |
Anaheim Democrats Club |
8/7/19 |
OC Fair |
Costa Mesa |
City Officials and Government Agencies
OCROV leveraged existing working relationships with government agencies and elected officials to raise public awareness of the transition to vote centers by sharing marketing materials and the calendar of vote center workshops. Numerous events and speaking engagements with government agencies have been scheduled to expand the initial 28 scheduled vote center workshops. City officials and government staff have been OCROV’s first partners in vote center outreach and education.
Multimedia materials made available to government agencies for distribution and constituent outreach include:
- Graphics (various formats depending on request)
- Press releases
- Newsletters
- Webpage links
Community Partners
If you or your organization would like to partner with OCROV on vote center outreach and education, please visit the website or email [email protected].
Language Community Partners
· Achieve Better Communication |
· Alliance for Justice |
· Alliance Rehabilitation |
· Anaheim Spanish Adventist Church |
· Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center |
· Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles |
· Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Orange County |
· Association of the Vietnamese Language & Culture Schools of Southern California |
· Council on American-Islamic Relations - California |
· Cambodian Family |
· Catholic Charities of Orange County |
· Center for Asians United for Self Empowerment |
· Centro Cultural de Mexico |
· Chinese American Association of Orange County |
· Chinese American Mutual Association |
· Comunidad Forum |
· CSUF Asian Pacific American Resource Center |
· De Colores OC |
· El Modena |
· Family Enrichment |
· Filipino American Chamber of Commerce |
· Fundacion de Sobrevivientes de Trafico |
· Hispanic Bar Association of Orange County |
· Hispanic Women Network |
· Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orange County |
· Institute of Vietnamese Studies |
· inter-Community Action Network |
· Iranian Circle of Women's Intercultural Network |
Language Community Partners (continued) |
· Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association |
· Korean American Center |
· Korean Community Services |
· Korean Resource Center |
· Latino Health Access |
· Los Amigos of Orange County |
· LULAC Anaheim |
· LULAC Santa Ana |
· LULAC Fullerton College |
· LULAC Santa Ana |
· Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund |
· National Association of Latino Elected Officials |
· Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County |
· National Hispanic Business Association |
· North Orange County Chinese Culture Association |
· Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance |
· Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce |
· Orange County Herald Center |
· Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce |
· Orange County Youth Immigrant United |
· Overseas Community Care Network of Orange County |
· Parent Union Santa Ana |
· South Asian Network |
· South Coast Chinese Cultural Association/Irvine Chinese School |
· Southern California Council of Chinese Schools |
· Taller San Jose |
· Union of Vietnamese Student Association |
· Vietnamese American Chamber of Commerce |
· VietRISE |
· Voting Involvement Association Nonprofit |
· WeIrvine |
Sample Language Assistance Card

Disability Community Partners
· Age Well Senior Services |
· Braille Institute |
· California Council for the Blind |
· City of Irvine - Disabilities Services |
· Council on Aging |
· Dayle McIntosh Center |
· Department of Rehabilitation |
· Disability Rights California |
· Disability Student Services - Cal State University Fullerton |
· Disability Student Services - Fullerton College |
· Disability Student Services - Santiago Canyon College |
· Down Syndrome Association of Orange County |
· Easter Seals |
· North Orange County Senior Collaborative |
· OC Deaf Equal Access Foundations |
· OC In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority |
· Orange County Transportation Authority |
· Project Independence |
· Regional Center of Orange County |
· Santa Ana Public Library TeenSpace |
· Sensory Impaired Guidance Network |
· University of California Irvine Disability Services Center |
· Vocational Visions |
Political, Advocacy, and Professional Organizations
· American Civil Liberties Union |
· Democratic Party of Orange County |
· Future of California Elections |
· Green Party of Orange County |
· League of Women Voters of Orange County |
· National American Association of Colored People |
· Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development |
· Orange County Congregation Community Organization |
· Orange County Employee Association |
· Orange County Labor Federation |
· Orange County Professional Firefighters Association |
· Republican Party of Orange County |
· Republican Women Federated of Orange County |
· Retired Employees of Orange County |
· Resilience OC |
Media Partners
If you or your organization would like to partner with OCROV on vote center outreach and education, please visit the website or email [email protected].
Publication Name |
Type |
Aliso Viejo News |
Newspaper |
Anaheim Bulletin |
Newspaper |
Associated Press (AP) Orange County California |
Newspaper |
Capistrano Dispatch |
Newspaper |
Capistrano Valley News |
Newspaper |
Chapman University Panther |
College/University Newspaper |
Coast Magazine |
Magazine |
Costa Mesa Daily Pilot |
Newspaper |
CSUF Daily Titan |
College/University Newspaper |
Cypress College Chronicle |
College/University Newspaper |
Dana Point Times |
Newspaper |
Fullerton College Hornet |
College/University Newspaper |
Huntington Beach News |
Newspaper |
Irvine World News |
Newspaper |
Television |
Television |
Television |
KCOP TV 13 (MyTV) |
Television |
KDOC TV 56 |
Television |
KFI AM 640 |
Radio |
KLCS TV 58 (PBS) |
Television |
Television |
KNX AM 1070 |
Radio |
KOCE TV 50 (PBS) |
Television |
KTLA TV 5 (CW) |
Television |
KTTV TV 11 (Fox) |
Television |
KUCI FM 89.3 |
Radio |
Laguna Beach Independent |
Newspaper |
Laguna News-Post |
Newspaper |
Laguna Woods Globe |
Newspaper |
Los Angeles Times |
Newspaper |
Publication Name |
Type |
New University |
College/University Newspaper |
OC Weekly |
Magazine |
OCC Coast Report |
College/University Newspaper |
Orange City News |
Newspaper |
Orange Coast Magazine |
Magazine |
Orange County Business Journal |
Newspaper |
Orange County Register |
Newspaper |
Orange County Reporter |
Newspaper |
Saddleback Valley News |
Newspaper |
San Clemente Times |
Newspaper |
Seal Beach Sun |
Newspaper |
Tustin News |
Newspaper |
UCI New University |
College/University Newspaper |
Voice of OC |
Newspaper |
Western Outdoors News |
Newspaper |
Westminster Journal |
Newspaper |
Westways Magazine |
Newspaper |
Yorba Linda Star |
Newspaper |
Language Media Partners
Language |
Publication Name |
Farsi (Persian) |
Orange County Persian Community TV |
Farsi (Persian) |
Dakeeh Magazine |
Farsi (Persian) |
Seeb Magazine |
Farsi (Persian) |
Farsi (Persian) |
KIRN - Radio Iran 670 AM |
Farsi (Persian) |
Iranian Hotline |
Tagalog |
Radio Filipino USA |
Tagalog |
California Journal for Filipino Americans |
Tagalog |
Asian Journal - Southern California |
Vietnamese |
Vietnamese |
KVLA 57.3 TV |
Vietnamese |
Little Saigon Radio |
Vietnamese |
Nguoi Viet Daily News |
Vietnamese |
Vien Dong |
Vietnamese |
Viet Bao |
Vietnamese |
Pho Bolsa TV |
Vietnamese |
Little Saigon TV |
Chinese |
World Journal |
Chinese |
Sing Tao Daily |
Chinese |
Taiwan Daily |
Chinese |
Chinese L.A. Daily News |
Chinese |
US News Express |
Chinese |
ChineseNewsUSA.Com |
Chinese |
Five Continents & Four Oceans News |
Chinese |
International Daily News |
Chinese |
The Central News |
Chinese |
Pacific Times |
Chinese |
America Commercial News |
Chinese |
Apple Daily News |
Chinese |
The China Press |
Chinese |
Epoch Times |
Chinese |
Eastern Television (ETTV) America |
Chinese |
New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) |
Chinese |
CTI Television/Zhong Want TV (CITTV/ZWTV) |
Language |
Publication Name |
Chinese |
Sky Link TV |
Chinese |
Chinese |
Phoenix Satellite TV |
Chinese |
U.S. National TV |
Chinese |
Korean |
The Korea Daily |
Korean |
Korea Times |
Korean |
Korea Town Daily |
Korean |
The Weekly Herald |
Korean |
Town News |
Korean |
SBS International |
Korean |
MBC America |
Korean |
KBS America |
Korean |
Radio Korea-AM 1540 |
Korean |
Radio Seoul-AM 1650 |
Korean |
Woori Radio - AM 1230 |
Korean |
Korean Gospel Broadcasting-AM1190 |
Korean |
TVK24 |
Korean |
Dongpo News |
Korean |
Korean |
Christian Vision |
Korean |
Kukmin Daily |
Korean |
Dongpo Journal |
Korean |
Sunday Journal |
Korean |
Korean |
Christian Herald |
Korean |
Uri Radio |
Korean |
Media Group |
Spanish |
Santa Ana Noticias |
Spanish |
Azteca |
Spanish |
Rumores Newspaper |
Spanish |
Para Todos |
Spanish |
El Aviso |
Spanish |
Excelsior |
Spanish |
Language |
Publication Name |
Spanish |
La Opinion |
Spanish |
KMEX-TV (Univision) |
Spanish |
KVEA-TV (Telemundo) |
Spanish |
KVEA-TV (Telemundo) |
Spanish |
Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 Presentations
The Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 is a traveling monthly meeting where staff will provide vote center planning updates.
Date and Time |
Organization |
Location |
May 17, 2019 |
Government Administrators |
Irvine Civic Center |
June 2, 2019 |
Together We Will OC |
IRWD Duck Club |
July 15, 2019 |
League of Women Voters of Orange County |
Sisters of St. Joseph |
August 22, 2019 |
Republican Women Federated of |
Registrar of Voters Office |
September 23, 2019 |
Democratic Party of |
DPOC Headquarters |
October 21, 2019 |
Orange County |
Hilton Costa Mesa |
November 2019 |
UC Irvine |
December 2019 |
CSU Fullerton |
January 2020 |
February 2020 |
Business |
Public Input Overview
Community Elections Working Group
The Community Election Working Group (CEW) is a diverse 25-member community advisory board committed to making sure elections are open and accessible.
CEW Members |
Name |
Organization |
CEW Chair, Steven W. Spillman |
Member, Mission Viejo Investment Advisory Commission |
CEW Vice-Chair, Lucinda Williams |
City Clerk, City of Fullerton |
Adria M. Jimenez |
City Clerk, City of Buena Park |
Theresa Bass |
City Clerk, City of Anaheim |
Molly McLaughlin |
City Clerk, City of Irvine |
Lucinda Williams |
City Clerk, City of Fullerton |
Tammy Kim |
Managing Director, Korean American Center / Korean Community Services |
Henry Noh Edmunds |
Attorney |
Tim Cheng |
Co-President, Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center |
Charles Kim |
President, inter-Community Action Network (iCAN) |
Alba Ramiro |
Parish Ministry Coordinator, Catholic Charities of Orange County |
Ruben Alvarez, Jr. |
Publisher, Stay Connected OC |
Eddie Marquez, J.D. |
Executive Board Member, OC Hispanic Chamber |
Marisol Ramirez |
Community Engagement Lead, Regal Medical Group |
Elizabeth Campbell |
Systems Change Advocate, Dayle McIntosh Center |
Debra Marsteller |
Executive Director, Project Independence |
Paul Spencer |
Attorney, Disability Rights California |
Gabriel Taylor |
Voting Rights Advocate |
Judith Barnes |
Member of the Public |
Anna Jimenez Plank |
Member of the Public |
Suzanne Narducy |
Ada Briceño |
Chair, Democratic Party of Orange County |
Randall Avila |
Executive Director, Republican Party of Orange County |
Vacant |
Wanda Shaffer |
Representative, League of Women Voters of OC |
Alexander Williams |
Member of the Public |
Lyle Brakob |
Member of the Public |
Garrett M. Fahy |
Election Law Attorney |
Steven W. Spillman (CEW Chair) |
Member, Mission Viejo Investment Advisory Commission |
Meeting Agenda

Voting Accessibility Committee & Language Accessibility Committee
Implemented in early 2017, the CEW Subcommittee Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee (VAAC) and the CEW Subcommittee Language Accessibility Advisory Committee (LAAC) are two independent committees of the Community Election Working group that meet to consider the needs of voters with disabilities and language minority communities pertaining to vote centers and all mail-ballot elections.
VAAC and LAAC were established to advise on the transition to vote centers, in particular for voters with disabilities, voters with language needs and organizations that serve them. Agendas focus on voter education and outreach, create collaborative opportunities and provide a forum for community informed feedback and input on operational best practices.
If you or your organization would like more information about these community advisory groups or are interested in becoming a member, please visit or email [email protected].
Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee
The CEW - Voting Accessibility Committee, an independent committee of the Community Election Working group, meets to consider the needs of voters with disabilities pertaining to vote centers and all mail-ballot elections. This committee meets the statutory requirements of the Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Name |
Organization |
Andrea Pitsenbarger |
California Council for the Blind |
Dan Quinn |
Easter Seals |
Debra Marstellar |
Project Independence |
Edward Roth |
Disability Student Services - Fullerton College |
Elizabeth Campbell |
Dayle McIntosh Center |
Gabriel Taylor |
Disability Rights California |
Jamie Cansler |
Council on Aging |
Larry Singer |
Advocate |
Lucy Carr-Rollitt |
Disability Student Services - Santiago Canyon College |
Melanie Masud |
Orange County Transportation Agency |
Paul Spencer |
Disability Rights California |
Phillip Reeves |
Braille Institute Anaheim Center |
Reina Hernandez |
Regional Center of Orange County |
Starr Avedesian |
Disability Student Services - Santiago Canyon College |
Meeting agenda

Language Accessibility Advisory Committee
The CEW - Voting Language Committee, an independent committee of the Community Election Working group, meets to consider the needs of language minority communities pertaining to vote centers and all mail-ballot elections. This committee meets the statutory requirements of the Languages Accessibility Advisory Committee.
Name |
Organization |
Alba Ramiro |
Catholic Charities of Orange County |
Charles Kim |
inter-Community Action Network |
Faye Hezar |
Iranian Circle of Women's Intercultural Network |
Jini Shim |
Korean American Center |
Jonathan Paik |
Korean Resource Center |
June Shang |
Achieve Better Communication |
Kerry Lieu |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association |
Kiyana Asemanfar |
California Common Cause |
Kwang Ho Kim |
Korean Community Services |
Mike Chen |
South Coast Chinese Culture Association |
Natalie A. Tran |
Department of Secondary Education at CSU Fullerton |
Shikha Bhatnagar |
South Asian Network |
Sudi Farokhnia |
Iranian Circle of Women's Intercultural Network |
Tammy Kim |
Korean American Center |
Teresa Mercado-Cota |
Santa Ana College |
ThuyVy Luyen |
Association of the Vietnamese Language & Culture Schools of Southern California |
Tim Cheng |
Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center |
Tracy La |
VietRISE |
Vattana Peong |
Cambodian Family |
Zeke Hernandez |
Santa Ana LULAC #147 |
Meeting agenda

OCROV historically utilizes survey data to enhance its services, resources, and planning for future elections. In preparation for the transition to a new model of voting, the Vote Center Feedback Survey has been developed to gather public input on vote center services and locations. The public is asked about language assistance needs and preferred services, ideal travel distance to a vote center, and ranking of site selection considerations.
Respondents are able to complete the survey on paper at voter outreach events or online after learning about the upcoming changes through the vote center website. The two versions of the survey—paper and online—are identical, with the only difference being that the online version is open to the public 24/7. At the time of writing the draft EAP, OCROV has received over 1,200 surveys from the public.
The Vote Center Feedback survey was also translated into Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Farsi (Persian), and Tagalog.
Paper Survey
Paper surveys are collected from a variety of outreach events such as community workshops, Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 monthly presentations, and other outreach events. After learning about the upcoming changes at outreach events, attendees have an option to take a survey home and mail it in later with the provided postage-paid return envelope.
Event Type |
Paper Surveys |
Roadshow to Vote Centers 2020 |
37 |
EAP Community Workshops |
509 |
Community Outreach Events |
92 |
Mailed Surveys |
6 |

Online Survey
The online survey is available to the public to complete at any time or place that is convenient for them. OCROV leveraged its existing partnerships with local colleges and universities, community partners, and media with access to the online survey.
The online survey will be available to the public until vote center and ballot drop boxes locations are finalized.
Additional Efforts to Solicit Input from Language Voters
OCROV took a targeted approach to outreach to voters who have requested election materials in one of the languages supported by OCROV. Approximately 18,000 translated survey invitations have been emailed to voters who requested language assistance.

Vote Center Layout

List of Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Box Locations
The vote center and ballot drop box selection process is currently ongoing. The tables below will be updated as locations are confirmed for participation. This information will also be provided on the website and in the VIG.
11 Day Vote Centers
Facility |
Address |
Days/Hours |
Orange County |
1300 S Grand Avenue Building C Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
4 Day Vote Centers
Facility |
Address |
Days/Hours |
Ballot Drop Box Locations
Facility |
Address |
Days/Hours |
Orange County |
1300 S Grand Avenue Building C Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
If you would like to make suggestion for a potential site, please complete the Site
Selection Suggestion Form at This form will be available to the
public until vote center and ballot drop box locations are finalized.
Voter’s Choice Act Criteria Maps
Public Transit Routes

Areas with Low Vote-by-Mail Usage

Population Density

Language Communities

Voters with Disabilities

Low Household Vehicle Ownership

Areas with Low-Income Communities

Areas with Eligible Residents Who are Not Yet Registered to Vote

Areas Not Suitable for Vote Center or Ballot Drop Box Locations

Community Event Calendar List
The list below represents potential and targeted community events OCROV plans to pursue in 2019 and 2020. Events will continually be added, and suggestions can be shared via email to [email protected].
Potential Community Events Calendar 2019 - 2020 |
Month |
Event Name |
Organizer |
January |
Asian Garden Mall Flower Festival |
Asian Garden Mall |
January |
Citizenship Ceremonies |
United States District Court, Central District of California |
February |
ICS Chinese New Year Celebration |
Irvine Chinese School (ICS) and South Coast Chinese Cultural Association (SCCCA) |
February |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association New Year Celebration |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association |
February |
Irvine High School Multi-Culture Festival |
Irvine High School Parent, Teacher, and Student Association |
February |
Candidate Academy |
Orange County Labor Federation |
February |
UVSA Tet Festival |
Union of Vietnamese Student Association |
March |
Braille Institute of America Voter Outreach and Education Presentation |
Braille Institute of America |
March |
Celebrate Life of Cesar Chavez |
St. Boniface Church |
March |
Celebrating Korean American Leadership |
UCI Korean American Alumni Chapter |
March |
KinderCaminata |
Cypress College |
March |
KinderCaminata |
Fullerton College |
March |
KinderCaminata |
Santa Ana College |
March |
Laguna Niguel High School Job & College Fair |
Laguna Niguel High School |
March |
Lunar New Year Celebration |
Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center |
March |
Orange County Lantern Festival |
Pacific Symphony and South Coast Chinese Cultural Center |
March |
Persian New Year Festival |
Iranian-American Community Group of Orange County |
March |
Persian New Year Picnic Day |
Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County |
March |
San Juan Hills High School Voter Registration Training |
San Juan Hills High School |
March |
ShamROCK n' RUN |
St. Jude Medical Center |
March |
Westminster Spring Festival |
City of Westminster |
April |
Arts Alive Festival |
City of Mission Viejo |
April |
Beckman High School Meet the Professionals Fair |
Beckman High School |
April |
City of Westminster Spring Festival |
City of Westminster |
April |
Cypress Farmers Market |
City of Cypress |
April |
Dia del Niño |
City of Santa Ana |
April |
Dia del Niño |
El Centro Cultural De Mexico |
April |
DTSA Art Walk |
Downtown Santa Ana |
April |
Earth Day Event |
Golden West College |
April |
Feria de Abril |
Feria Los Alamitos |
April |
Friendly Centers Resource Networking Event |
The Friendly Center |
April |
Irvine Valley College Spring Job Fair |
Irvine Valley College |
April |
Katella High School Voter Education Week Event |
Katella High School |
April |
Voter Registration Training |
League of Women Voters of Orange County |
April |
Love Buena Park |
City of Buena Park |
April |
Media Arts Santa Ana (MASA) Mixer |
MASA/OC Film Fiesta |
April |
Persian New Year Festival |
Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County |
April |
Dia del Niño |
OC Fairgrounds |
April |
Renters Protection Forum |
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development |
April |
Summer Youth Job Fair |
Employment Development Department |
April |
OC LGBTQ Youth Convening |
LGBT Center |
May |
5 de Mayo Festival Anaheim |
City of Anaheim |
May |
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Forum |
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Orange County |
May |
Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration |
Southern California Edison |
May |
Battle of the Mariachis |
Mission San Juan Capistrano |
May |
CIELO Showcase |
May |
Cinco de Mayo Festival |
City of San Clemente |
May |
Cinco De Mayo In Tustin |
City of Tustin |
May |
Student Tabling Event |
CSU Fullerton |
May |
Student Tabling Event |
Cypress College |
May |
Dancing Out Stigma |
Bowers Museum |
May |
Downtown Anaheim Farmers Market |
City of Anaheim |
May |
Estrella Awards |
Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce |
May |
FaCT Conference |
Families and Communities Together |
May |
Heartbeat of Mexico |
Chapman University |
May |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association Monthly Meeting |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association |
May |
Irvine Korean Cultural Festival |
Irvine Korean Cultural Festival |
May |
Jarana Carnavalera |
Jarana Carnavalera en California |
May |
Mariachi Festival |
Viva la Vida/Calacas |
May |
New Horizons Dinner-Cinco de Mayo |
YMCA of OC |
May |
OC Greek Festival |
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church |
May |
OC Human Relations Awards Dinner |
OC Human Relations |
May |
Open Garden Day |
City of Santa Ana |
May |
Orange County Asian Chamber Leadership Mixer |
Asian Business Association of Orange County |
May |
Rancho Days Fiesta-Heritage Hill Historical Park |
OC Parks |
May |
Saddleback College Tabling Event |
Saddleback College |
May |
Santa Ana College Tabling Event |
Santa Ana College |
May |
SOKA International Festival |
SOKA University |
May |
State of the Community |
Fullerton Collaborative |
May |
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta |
The Outlets at San Clemente |
May |
UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Run |
UC Irvine |
May |
Vesak Festival - Buddha's Birthday Celebration |
Giac Ly Buddhist Monastery |
May |
Vesak Festival - Mile Square Park |
Vietnamese American Buddhist Congregation |
May |
Veterans Luncheon |
May |
Veterans Resource Center Santa Ana College |
Santa Ana College |
May |
Voice of Change |
OC Health Care Agency (OCHCA) and Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) |
May |
Willcock Community Meeting |
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development |
June |
Annual Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County Membership Meeting and Mixer |
Filipino-American Lawyers of Orange County |
June |
Annual Orange County Hiring Fair |
Michelle Steel, Supervisor, 2nd District Orange County Board of Supervisors and KACC Foundation |
June |
APIA Vote Leadership Institute |
Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance |
June |
Candidate Academy |
Orange County Labor Federation |
June |
Celebracion y Mercadito |
Radio Santa Ana/Centro Cultural Santa Ana |
June |
Citizenship Ceremonies |
United States District Court, Central District of California |
June |
Citizenship Fair |
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development |
June |
Feria de Salud |
Las Lomas Gardens Apartments |
June |
Fiesta Appreciation Day - Caregiving Day |
Crooru Caregivers on-demand |
June |
OCCORD Leadership Academy |
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development |
June |
Open House |
Rancho Santiago Community College District |
June |
San Juan Capistrano Summer Concert Series |
City of San Juan Capistrano |
June |
Small Business Week Awards |
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orange County |
June |
Tabling Sunday Mass Christ Our Savior Parish |
Christ Our Savior Parish Church |
July |
American Indian Families |
Walking Shield |
July |
Candidate Academy |
Orange County Labor Federation |
July |
Summer Jazz Concert Series |
Segerstrom Center for the Arts |
July |
Cypress Community Festival |
Cypress Community Festival Association |
August |
American Mariachi |
South Coast Repertory |
August |
Brea Fest |
City of Brea |
August |
Canto de Anaheim |
Pacific Symphony |
August |
Chicanxs Unidxs Annual Fundraiser |
Chicanxs Unidxs |
August |
Annual Civic Expo & National Night Out |
City of La Palma |
August |
Concerts in the Park |
City of Orange |
August |
CSU Fullerton Move-In Day |
CSU Fullerton |
August |
Downtown Fullerton Farmers Market |
City of Fullerton |
August |
Fiesta Music Festival |
San Clemente Chamber of Commerce |
August |
Movies in the Park Series |
City of Fountain Valley |
August |
Sizzlin’ Summer Concert Series |
City of Irvine |
August |
National Night Out |
Mission Viejo Police Department |
August |
OC Night Market |
Costa Mesa |
August |
Orange County Fair |
Costa Mesa |
August |
Placentia Certified Farmers Market |
City of Placentia |
August |
Sabor a Mar -Folcklorico/Mariachi |
Relampago del Cielo |
August |
Evening in the Park Summer Concerts |
City of San Juan Capistrano |
August |
Seal Beach Farmers Market |
City of Seal Beach |
August |
Senior Fitness Expo |
City of Irvine |
August |
The Vic |
Victoria Skimboards |
August |
Musicals and Plays Series |
Santa Ana College |
September |
9/11 Commemoration |
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library & Museum |
September |
AASCSC Moon Festival |
Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center |
September |
Anaheim Mariachi Festival |
Rhythmo Inc. Mariachi Academy |
September |
Discoverfest |
CSU Fullerton |
September |
City of Brea Wellness Festival |
City of Brea |
September |
Fiestas Patrias |
City of Santa Ana |
September |
National Voter Registration Day Press Conference |
City of Santa Ana |
September |
County of Orange Career Expo and Open House |
County of Orange |
September |
Irvine Global Village Festival |
City of Irvine |
September |
Irvine Moon Festival |
Irvine Chinese School/South Coast Chinese Cultural Center |
September |
Lake Forest Heroes Day |
City of Lake Forest |
September |
Mid-Autumn Children's Festival |
The Coordinating Committee of Vietnamese American Youth Organizations |
September |
OCEA Health Fair |
Orange County Employees Association |
September |
Orange International Street Fair |
City of Orange |
September |
SAC Club Rush |
Santa Ana College |
September |
Santa Ana Family Day |
MAGIC Inc. Academy of the Arts |
September |
Westminster Dia de la Familia |
City of Westminster |
October |
Anaheim Fall Festival & Halloween Parade |
City of Anaheim |
October |
Citizenship Ceremonies |
United States District Court, Central District of California |
October |
Halloween Family Fun |
City of Stanton |
October |
Senior Wellness Expo |
City of Yorba Linda |
October |
Community Resource Fair |
Huntington Beach Adult School |
October |
CSU Fullerton Faculty Voter Registration Drive |
CSU Fullerton |
October |
Donate a Day of Service Event |
Cypress College |
October |
Downtown Fullerton Art Walk |
Magoski Arts Colony |
October |
Fullerton Museum Center Event |
City of Fullerton |
October |
Huntington Beach Airshow |
The Great Pacific Airshow |
October |
Hispanic Heritage Month Mixer |
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Orange County |
October |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association Monthly Meeting |
Irvine Evergreen Chinese Senior Association Monthly Meeting |
October |
Irvine Valley College Pinoy Piyesta |
Elevate AAPI @ Irvine Valley College |
October |
Employee Registration Event |
Masimo |
October |
Nashtai & Ashnai: Persian Breakfast with the UC Irvine Iranian Student Union |
Iranian Student Union at UC Irvine |
October |
OC Arirang Harvest Festival |
Arirang OC Festival |
October |
OC Film Fiesta |
Media Arts Santa Ana |
October |
OC International Auto Show |
Motor Trend Group, LLC |
October |
OC Roller Derby Competition |
OC Roller Derby |
October |
Voter Education Presentation |
Orange Coast College |
October |
Placentia Harvest Festival |
Placentia Heritage Festival Committee |
October |
Relationship Building Network Business Expo |
Relationship Building Network, Inc. |
October |
Arts Celebration: FALL FOR ALL |
Segerstrom Center for the Arts |
October |
Silverado Country Fair & Folk Festival |
Silverado Country Fair & Folk Festival |
October |
Community Engagement Fair |
UC Irvine |
October |
Viet Film Fest |
Vietnamese American Arts and Letters Association |
October |
Western State College Law Voter Registration Drive |
Western State College of Law Student Council |
November |
Delhi Center Anniversary Dinner |
Delhi Center |
November |
Dia de los Muertos |
Calacas Inc |
November |
Golden Future 50+ Expo |
Golden Future Expos Inc. |
December |
Christmas Eve in Mexico-Nochebuena |
Chapman University |
December |
Project Soapbox |
Actions Civics CA |
December |
Winter Wonderland |
City of Irvine |
Mobile Fleet

Vote Center Newsletter

Public Notice for August 8, 2019 Consultation Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a Consultation Meeting for the Development of the Draft Election Administration Plan Pursuant to the Voter’s Choice Act will be held on August 8, 2019. This hearing is for interested residents, representatives from the disability community and community organizations and individuals that advocate on behalf of, or provide services to, individuals with disabilities and for representatives, advocates, and other stakeholders of the county's language communities.
Notice is further given that the Orange County Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley invites interested representatives of the County's language communities and disability communities to provide consultation and input on the development of the County's draft Election Administration Plan (EAP). All interested parties are encouraged to attend the meeting on August 8, 2019 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Orange County Registrar of Voters, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Notice is further given that the location is an accessible facility. Requests for documents in accessible formats, interpreting services, assistive listening devices, or other accommodations should be made by calling (714) 567-5106, no later than four working days prior to the meeting.
Dated this 17th day of July, 2019.
Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
Public Notice for August 29, 2019 Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing for the Draft Election Administration Plan pursuant to the Voter’s Choice Act will be held on August 29, 2019.
Notice is further given that the Draft Election Administration Plan is posted on the Registrar of Voters’ website at The Plan is available in English and translated versions in Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, and Farsi (Persian) will be subsequently posted in accordance with federal and state law.
Comments on the Plan may be submitted using the online comment form on the Registrar of Voters’ website (, by email to [email protected], in writing, or in person at the Public Hearing. Written comments should be addressed to the Orange County Registrar of Voters, 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
Meeting Date: August 29, 2019
Meeting Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Meeting Location: Orange County Department of Education
200 Kalmus Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
The Public Hearing will also be livestreamed online at
For more information regarding the Public Hearing, please call 714-567-7600 or visit
Notice is further given that the location is an accessible facility. Requests for documents in accessible formats, interpreting services, assistive listening devices, or other accommodations should be made by calling (714) 567-5106, no later than four working days prior to the meeting.
Dated this 9th day of August, 2019.
Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
[1] Advancing Justice 2018 Poll Monitor Report OC (Page 11). Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Los Angeles.