Your Ballot Return Options Secure Ballot Drop Boxes Click below to view a list of ballot drop boxes, or locate one using our mapping tool. Locate Vote Center Dropoff Click below to view a list of Vote Centers to drop off your ballot, or locate one using our mapping tool. Locate USPS Find your closest USPS Post Office or USPS Mailbox and mail your ballot with no postage required. Locate Your In Person Voting Options Vote at Any Vote Center Click below to view a list of all Orange County Vote Centers, or locate one using our mapping tool. Locate Vote at a Mobile Location Click below to view locations and hours of our convenient pop-up voting sites. Locate OC Ballot Express Track your ballot from start to finish. Using Ballot Express, you can view the status of your ballot through the entire mailing process and see the status of your returned ballot. You can also sign up for updates through text and email. Track My Ballot