To learn more about the County of Orange redistricting process for supervisorial boundaries, click here to visit the County's Redistricting page: ocgov.com/redistricting.
The Technical Redistricting Academy* is designed to introduce attendees to the local redistricting process as it relates to the Orange County Registrar of Voters. The 4-part virtual Technical Redistricting Academy is FREE of charge. A printable brochure is available here.

Session 1: Redistricting 101
Part 1: Redistricting Orange County
The Technical Redistricting Academy began with introduction to local redistricting – what is it, and why does it matter? Mark Servino and Nicole Walsh, from the Office of County Counsel, Orange County, provided an overview on the fundamentals of redistricting.
Part 2: From Maps to Ballot Types
What happens after the lines are drawn? In Part 2, participants learned how our office uses redistricted boundary lines and GIS technology to develop ballots for all 1.8 million Orange County voters and why planning ahead of file delivery is critical.
Session 2: Data & Resources
Part 1: Available Resources
In session two, Deborah Diep, Director of the Center of Demographic Research at Cal State Fullerton, focused on the different resources available to stay involved and informed throughout the redistricting process (focusing on the importance of the Registrar of Voters’ role).
Part 2: Redistricting File Preparation Best Practices
To conclude the series, participants received tips and strategies to navigate through the technical challenges of redistricting, and learned about file preparation process and the wide array of data that is available.
Click Here for Presentation Slides

*This education series, produced by the Registrar of Voters, does not support the actual boundary changes for any specific jurisdiction, nor does it serve as a forum for the solicitation of input regarding any jurisdiction’s redistricting process. Participants will be advised that the information is not intended as a substitute for legal counsel. Participants will be encouraged to contact jurisdictions, whose redistricting they are interested in, and will be provided with available contact information for such efforts throughout the County. Questions or comments regarding the County’s redistricting efforts for the Supervisorial Districts may be sent to [email protected].